Feb 25 2008

Open Source & Twitter

Last friday at the Fosdem Beer event Ywein asked me ..
hmm.. there is nobody Twittering around here. Nothing really strange. I haven't seen anyone twittering at an Open Source event yet. At the place where probably the highest percentage of open source geek/m2 was measured we didn't see anyone twittering.

So when The 451Group announced they just launched The Pulse of Open Source I wonder .. what's the use. Do we really care about people sleeping in late, or having forgotten their powercords ? So nope.. not subscribing to that feed... I don't think the core of the open source community is going to jump on twitter anytime soon ..

Sorry Raven, but I won't be subscribing to that feed any time soon..

Feb 25 2008

Drupal Devroom Videos Online

Luc just pointed me with to his recording of my talk about Drupal and MySQL HA yesterday at the Drupal Room at Fosdem

He also uploaded some other video's from the Drupal room.

More about my Fosdem 2008 experience later :)

Feb 24 2008

Interview with Matt

Over at Virtualization.com my good friend Matt Rechenburg of openQRM fame got interviewed. Enjoy his insights..

Feb 23 2008

Kill Software Patents

Benjamin and Pieter just launched Kill Software Patents

Feb 23 2008


Dear Drupal developers :)

Over at planet.grep.be we had some fuzz
about comments, trackbacks and mostly the spam related with having trackbacks enabled.

So the message is clear .. we need to do something about the trackback module so it fits in better with all the great antispam tools are around.
I`m currently not using any captchas on my blog but my spam is down to 1 or to messages a week. My Trackbacks however are still pretty problematic , but they are the only place I need to focus on periodically.

Fairly well hidden in a comment on Luc 's blog someone points out the idea of having a list of people you trust that are allowed to send trackbacks, which sounds to me like a pretty good idea.

So if you are out there , feeling bored not knowing what code to work on .. :)

Feb 22 2008


If the sales people from Asus are smart .. they should setup a mobile store walking distance from the Fosdem venue this weekend.

Feb 20 2008

Looking for a Plazes replacement

Dear Lazyweb, or Hoosgot for that matters.

I used to like the old beta.plazes.com .. a small python script .. gave me good pointers on a map where I was and I could draw nice maps of where I used to be.

The new plazes just hides all that functionality for me .. it wants me to fill in way to much data in their website .. and I can't find their Traces functionality anymore, which is exactly what I liked. ... now it's just like a bad version of dopplr.

Feb 18 2008

Getting a Clue

Raph is so right.

It's sad when the crowd thinks these kind of people actually are knowlegeable on the topic they write about.

It's not the first time ZDNet drops the ball. The idea alone that these people are actually even being paid to write such nonsens makes it even more sad

Feb 14 2008

Virtualization.com just Relaunched

Virtualization.com just launched their freshly revamped site.

Virtualization.com is your central place to read everything about Virtualization that's happening on our little planet, news, rumours, events, interviews, howto's and many more.

Go check it out !

Disclaimer: I`m writing for Virtualization.com