Mar 21 2008


Yesterday I was just exhausted ,

Wednesday was a thrill, after a great Plugg organised by Robin, we organized an Ad Hoc Brussels Geekdinner chez Henri in order to finish up with Open BeerClub (BTW Bruno how many points do you get for that ?)

It's weird how I keep running into demoscene people that are all starting or already running interesting projects. About 15 years ago we were all partying at Assembly, The Party, Wired etc .. we lost touch , stopped calling eachothers BBS's
and now years later ... we meet again

I wonder if my old Buster BBS account is still working at it's younger version :)

Yesterday after from locking myselve out of my house and car (thank god for wifi) I made it to LinuxWorldExpo Brussels , a the usual Linux suspects combined with a bunch people selling overpriced disks and a some irrelevant software vendors that think security still is a product that can be bought , pathetic.

The fun part is running into the whole Belgian IT crowd, the sad part is it's the same people over and over again.

Well.. it was fun.. met some new people ... got some really good news ... but now it's time to get some work done again ...

Mar 20 2008


I`m exhausted, after one long day of Plugg and another day of LWE I`m about to crash.

I wasn't really happy with my openQRM presentation today .. dunno what went wrong one of the worst presentations I gave so far. And it's not like it was unprepared or the first time I gave that presentation.


Mar 19 2008

Shareomatic Drupal Module

I was just chatting with Tom from Shareomatic
and realised I wasn't using Shareomatic enough .. Probably because as far as I knew there was no Drupal module for it.

So I grabbed the DiggThis 5.1 code and modified it to support Shareomatic.

Tom still needs to modify some things and I also need to .. but the initial draft is here enjoy !

Mar 17 2008

How NOT to apply for a job

Kris has a blog these days .. t
His last post shows how NOT to apply for a job with us

Mar 17 2008

How NOT to figure out a nameserver

So I was trying to install this piece of software that I wanted to test ..
It came with a weird installscript that kept telling me it couldn't ping tom my nameserver

  1. .. checking network access via ping to DNS/IP: IN
  2. ...... unable to ping: IN : ping returned: 2
  3. unable to ping DNS name server: IN
  4. : ping returned code: 2

Now why would it tro to ping IN ?

This is why .. the scripts tries to find out my nameserver using dig

  1. root@C51 ~]# dig localhost | grep SERVER | cut -d# -f 1| awk '{print
  2. $3}'
  3. IN

It didn't expect to get this feedback from dig

  1. [root@C51 ~]# dig localhost
  3. ; <<>> DiG 9.3.3rc2 <<>> localhost
  4. ;; global options: printcmd
  5. ;; Got answer:
  6. ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 32043
  7. ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0
  10. ;localhost. IN A
  13. . 10215 IN SOA A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.
  14. NSTLD.VERISIGN-GRS.COM. 2008031700 1800 900 604800 86400
  16. ;; Query time: 7 msec
  17. ;; SERVER:
  18. ;; WHEN: Mon Mar 17 21:02:50 2008
  19. ;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 102

Mar 16 2008

Helping Sun to figure out what it wants to do when it grows up

I have to admit I`m lagging a bit on my Linux Journal reading.
So just now I read Maddog's article titled Navigating by the Sun

Bull's Eye .. I loved reading every second of it as it is so true ... I told you folks earlier that we'd love to help, but it really is time for Sun to figure out what it wants to be when it grows up :)

It's fear it's either that or down the drain with the other bunch of companies that are on the road to obsoletion.

Mar 14 2008

Got interviewed by O'Reilly GMT

I got interviewed by Craig from O'Reilly GMT's for their Scenius series.

I tried to write down as much as possible of what's going on in our little country, but I`m pretty sure I missed a lot.

Weird thing is that according to Bruno's stats .. I`m not missing out on that much .. but then again .. remember what Benjamin said.

Mar 14 2008

Looking back at a Decade of open sourceVirtualization

Earlier this week published the first in a series of articles about Virtualization in Open Source.

In that first article I`m looking back at where we come from in the Virtualization field both on desktop and server level.

The sequel to this article will tackle today's virtualization options.

Mar 14 2008

Fedora 7 Wireless weirdness

Since I first started using my Fonero I had some weird behavior with my Laptop's wireless card. Intel PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network I could usually see 2 of my 3 wireless networks but not my MyPlace network. Sometimes I couldn't see any wireless network untill after a rmmod iwl3945 modprobe iwl3945 sequence.

Somewhere last weekend I was fed up with my slow booting laptop and decided it was time to clean up my bootorder and remove unused services that I had installed for test purposes only from it's boot procedure. One of the steps I took was removing the default enabling of my wlan0 interface.

The result was pretty astonishing, not only is my laptop booting much faster, but also whenever I now manually start NetworkManager it actually finds the MyPlace network and connects to it.

Yes I know I should upgrade to FC8 someday , and probably this is a known fact/fix but I never bothered to look further. Lazyness you know ;)

Mar 12 2008

Upcoming Talks

A bit short notice but I`ll be giving a Xen talk tomorrow evening at the OSBC event in Eindhoven

Next week I`ll be talking to the interrested crowd about using openQRM to Manage your Datacenter at Linux World Expo Brussel

At LinuxWorld expo there are also other talks about OpenDoc Society, Drupal, Centos etc. The event is free .. so drop by if you are in the neighborhood.