Feb 14 2008

Where to comment ?

Dear Dag

I`m with Bart on this topic.

It's hard enough to keep up with blogs let alone with comments on the comments you made on those blogs. And as people in your comments noted .. Trackbacks should solve this problem
I actually send a trackback to Leo which made my comment show up in his comments.

Commenting to it on my own blog and trackbacking to the original post actually gives you the benefit of not having to authenticate / register on a gazillion blogs. it gives you better visibility on the comments people make on your comment (If they are nice they include 2 trackbacks), since you don't need to track it on other blogs.

Lots of blogging tools have features to detect trackback urls from original posts that you point to , Drupal can even do that from a cronjob if you want to.
It's however the other side that also needs to have trackbacking allowed.

If the trackback system doesn't work , or if you prefer not to enable it due to the shitload of spam you get on it there's always Technorati telling you that people have been pointing back to you.

Might I suggest you take a look at the Drupal Trackback module , if you enable it this post on my blog should show up a s a comment to your blog entry and we'll all be happy :) And Technorati will update your Authority

Feb 12 2008


Dear Leo

Back in the days I wrote a paper on how to automate Xen virtual machine deployment, one of the side advantages of abusing systemimager in this way is that you can also rebootstrap your physical machines on a virtual machine with no effort.
The only disadvantage is that you have to make a golden image of the server.

Basically the whole P2V concept is just showing how little of a typical infrastructure can be reproduced automatically (10th floor test anyone ?)
A machine should be able to be reinstalled to the last known point with no effort, physical or virtual shouldn't matter.

Apart from abusing systemimager to do the job, you really need to peak at openQRM. Matt should probably put some videos on youtube , but with openQRM you can migrate boxen from Physical to Xen, from Xen to VMWare, frmo VMWare back to Xen and so on ..

As for non unix operating systems .. frankly ..

Feb 12 2008

Apt to the rescue

So while upgrading python from a limited local repository I broke yum

  1. [root@NTC-BASE-2 ~]# yum -y install foo
  2. Traceback (most recent call last):
  3. File "/usr/bin/yum", line 28, in ?
  4. import yummain
  5. ImportError: No module named yummain
  6. <code>
  8. However apt was still working
  9. <code>
  10. [root@NTC-BASE-2 ~]# rpm -e yum
  11. [root@NTC-BASE-2 sources.list.d]# apt-get update
  13. Fetched 3980kB in 8s (478kB/s)
  14. Reading Package Lists... Done
  15. Building Dependency Tree... Done
  16. [root@NTC-BASE-2 sources.list.d]# apt-get install yum
  17. Reading Package Lists... Done
  18. Building Dependency Tree... Done
  19. The following extra packages will be installed:
  20. yum-metadata-parser
  21. The following NEW packages will be installed:
  22. yum yum-metadata-parser
  23. 0 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 removed and 234 not upgraded.
  24. Need to get 419kB of archives.
  25. After unpacking 1412kB of additional disk space will be used.
  26. Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
  27. Get:1 <a href="http://mirror.centos.org" title="http://mirror.centos.org">http://mirror.centos.org</a> centos/4/apt/i386/os yum-metadata-parser 1.0-8.el4.centos [24.0kB]
  28. Get:2 <a href="http://mirror.centos.org" title="http://mirror.centos.org">http://mirror.centos.org</a> centos/4/apt/i386/os yum 2.4.3-4.el4.centos [395kB]
  29. Fetched 419kB in 1s (417kB/s)
  30. Committing changes...
  31. Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
  32. 1:yum-metadata-parser ########################################### [ 50%]
  33. 2:yum ########################################### [100%]
  34. Done.
  35. [root@NTC-BASE-2 sources.list.d]# y
  36. [root@NTC-BASE-2 sources.list.d]# yum update
  37. Setting up Update Process
  38. Setting up repositories

Back in business :)

Good idea Raskas :)

Feb 12 2008

Boycott Trend Micro

Scriptum Libre is calling out toe boycott Trend Micro because of their ridiculous patent attack, well.. basically on ClamAV.

I've never liked any of the AntiVirus software companies... deep down I think this is a business that is mostly supporting itselve. I`m pretty sure that some of the commercial Antivirus solution providers them selve are responsible for sending out virii to the poor Windows users.

So I`m supporting the boycot !

Boycott Trend Micro

Feb 12 2008

It ain't mainstream

till Scot Adams jokes about it ....


Yes I removed the image link.. some weird policy invented by a PHB that should probably feature in one of Scots cratoons, prevents me from displaying the actual image here.. , Or was it the marketing department ..

Feb 09 2008

I`m Going to Fosdem

thnx Christophe

Feb 09 2008

The Future of Zimbra

The interweb thinks there isn't much future for Zimbra if Yahoo gets swallowed by Redmond. I`m not sure.

There are different alternatives apart from the being extinguished during the takeover.
I have no clue how the core developers and the management of Zimbra was reimbursed when they were taken over by Yahoo, however I hope they didn't waste all their money and still have some money left. As they went this far with the company already they must have some good contacts with financial people that can help them get a new company off the ground ArbmiZ or ɐɹqɯız would be good names ;)

They could either go with a fresh start, or Yahoo could be so smart to have the guys perform an MBO.
Or even sell the Zimbra assests again .. even at loss.

If getting the Zimbra organisation out of Yahoo doesn't work why not hire the key developers away from the company effectively rendering it worthless , big chance you don't have to hire them away from their current job but just be waiting at the front doors when the exodus starts, people either don't want to work for the new company or will be forced to leave as they are redundant.

RedHat has a big opportunity here .. they don't have a relevant mail offering yet, there have been rumors around RedHat going to partner with the OpenXchange folks but I haven't heard from that yet .., but other companies might have look at the codebase also.

Would we need a fork ? We don't know yet ..

But I don't think we have to worry that much .. I think there are bigger things to worry about ..

Feb 07 2008

Open Source Security Policies

Back in the days when I was spending more time on security projects than I do nowadays , I started working on the concept of an Open Source Security policy within the Isecom

Over at the Open Management site that idea came back to live, It's not much but I at least could paste initial the drafts I had still lying around in my CVS repo into their page.

As always I`m sure I'll run out of time to focus on the project, but at least it has a fresh start now.

Please contribute :)

Feb 07 2008

Let's get rid of the OOM Killer

Bort pointed us to a new interesting feature in the linux kernel.

This is really good news, we'll be able to get input from the kernel on the fact that it is about to start doing things we don't like.

Looking at a random machine

  1. total used free shared buffers cached
  2. Mem: 2017 1128 889 0 53 443

that's 443 Mb that an application that is aware of this new feature free its own share of.

It's not only Java applications that should be polling this device frequently ..
firefox, clock-applet, liferea, gnome-terminal, VirtualBox and evolution also might want to look at it .

Thank you for cleaning up your mess ! :)

Feb 07 2008

Real Heroes Happen here

Real Heroes happen Here
All mashed up with People who understand