Apr 13 2008

How many Solaris engineers does it take to configure bonding ?

Dear Chhandomay fun thing you mention Formal Training.

Let me tell you about the bigger picture. Bort documented how it was implemented for further references. We were indeed force fed a Solaris storage solution we didn't want to.. the main reason why we didn't want it because we are an All Linux shop and we didn't want the hassle of having to master another operating system. So we agreed on integrating the Solaris box if we didn't have to manage it and if it were just another black box managed by a 3rd party supplier , one with inhouse Solaris Experience, and that's where the story starts.

By the time the first Solaris/Storage expert came to deliver the box and had configured it according our "we need bonding" requirement we had noticed sever packet loss on those interfaces. Not unlike something we had seen before with a misconfigured bonding in Linux.

We mailed back and forth with the supplier a couple of times in order to figure out the correct configuration , none of their internal staff (you know Formally Trained Solaris people) could help us .. it seemed as if they had never heard about network bonding. So our supplier decided to escalate it internally and found a guy abroad that was supposed to get the thing up and running.

Almost a week after our complaints about packetloss they showed up. The next guy had more solaris experience.. however he still needed about 3 hours and the documentation next to him to get the thing working.

So Bort blogged about it .. as seemingly none of those formally educated Solaris People in the Belux know about it... and the non formally trained Linux people just happen to think it's a no brainer.

So how many Solaris Engineers does it take to configure bonding ? Well.. 3-4 .. not counting the Accountmanagers that need to be standing next to the machine watching over the shoulders of the techpeople.

Apr 07 2008

Xen and the art of

Some of you already notice a lower posting pace on this blog, and wondered why..

Well the answer is pretty easy .. I've started writing for Virtualization.com and my Virtualization content is now living over there. Well, at least the one that is suitable there :)

The latest in a series of articles about , Open Source Virtualization. it's history and what's happening with Xen has just been published.

So head over there !

Apr 05 2008

Summer of 2003 again

Weird.. I feel like the summer of 2003 again .. working on a conference paper with a deadline almost impossible to reach...

Worked out fine back then ..let's hope it works out fine now also..

Apr 01 2008

Ze Tishirt

As different people last weekend asked me and Serge ran into one again .

Here's where to get the T-Shirt : dnsproblem.spreadshirt.net

Yes Bart your SO also asked me !

Apr 01 2008

openID for Locations ?

Seems like not only (I)Guy heard my pray for a more mashed up Web.

The nice folks over at FireEagle actually seem to have implemented some of the features we discussed yet.

Waiting for the invitation !

Apr 01 2008

Losing an argument

About 2 months ago I sent a mail to Dries, telling him

I`m losing an argument with Dag , because I can't tell him how great Mollom is :(

Luckily Dries contacted Dag ,and now we can tell the world.. Mollom is great, Mollom allowed me to open up my comments

Now if only I could do the same for trackbacks :)

It's funny how lots of oldskool demoscene people tend to be involved in different interesting startups. Back in the ninetees we were travelling Europe to party at our favourite demo events and now we are all meeting again. You'll also recognize Uncle Bob, Emperor and others in this bunch of antique articles

It was Uncle Bob who introduced me to Dries about a decade ago, at the sunny terrace of Den Hill iirc

It's a small world .. and it ain't growing bigger ..

Mar 29 2008

Barcamp Gent , Web 2.0 rant slides now online

My slides for my rant on 10 years of non web evolution are online.

This was a really good Barcamp session with the audience really starting to launch solutions, ideas and discussion.

We'll see in a couple of weeks if more people have gotten ideas from it !

Mar 28 2008

Not using Open Source requires Anonymity

The local Trends Magazine has a big article about Open Source and Free software.. sadly it's mistitled "Gratis software becomes real business"

Apart from mentioning the usual suspects ,the obligatory Acquia mention, and the fact that everybody who is in the business wonders where the so called market analists get their figures, the biggest surprise in the article are the things that are NOT mentioned.

It seems that these days you have to be ashamed for not wanting to use Open Source ..

Translated: "Also other and often big software companies see the advantages of using open sourcemodules in their packages, although the are not making it public. "We are a big proponent of Open Source , but I don't see how you can live from it", says the managing director of a Flemish Information Services Group, who prefers not to have is companies associated with open source"

Pretty pathetic, Yes we are using Open source, No our customers shouldn't know,
No you don't get to know who we are, we want to remain anonymous.

I've got a pretty good idea which company this might be .. do you ?

Mar 24 2008

LinkedIn Almost gets it

Close but no Sigar, LinkedIn enabled RSS feeds only to provide us with a Semi broken feed, Titles with no content. Questions and Recoomnendations come trough with content, but network updates have an empty body and a header link to my connections

Please Try Again !

Mar 24 2008

Lost In Translation

Virtual,Video,Vague,Visual,Vegetarian. It ends with Lan .. so it must be right ..