
Feb 07 2008

The Mantra and it's implementation

Twice in one day I was pointed to The Mantra .. the vision , the good practices on how to run an infrastructure. And because I fully agree with this way of runing an infrastructure I`ll highlight some of them again .

  • Design For Change , the google way.. everything will be different the next time you look around
  • Be reproducable , you have to be able to survive the 10th floor test .. yes even when building stuff
  • Design Redundancy upfront , don't try to squeeze it in later .. it will be more expensive and you will be less flexible
  • ...

Dormando has some more reading material.
And when you are done reading Go watch the video of Randy Shoups presentation on Amazon's infrastructure, because also at Amazon we can find 4 repeatedly discussed points in the Architectural strategy

  • Partition Everything
  • Automate Everything
  • Async Everything
  • Prepare for Failure
  • It's a repeating theme , with variations based on your specific problem domain.. but the central toughts stay the same.

    Automate Everything

    Expect Failure