Kris Buytaert's blog

Aug 06 2008


I don't even remember how I ended up on the Akademy site this morning .. but luckily I did.

Akademy takes place in Sint-Katelijne-Waver , ages a go my grandparents lived there to, that's Belgium if you didn't notice yet.

Now the weird thing is that there seems almost no fuzz about it in the Belgian Foss Community , nobody talks about it.
Also on the event can't be found. :(

Honestly this worries me, why isn't there more talk about a rather big FOSS event in Belgium, don't we care anymore ? Or do we just not care about KDE. (apart from the people organizing the event ?)
There's lots of Drupal, MySQL and Gnome activity going on in our little country but somehow less KDE. Hopefully Akademy changes that.

Sadly I have already a fully booked schedule so I won't be able to actually make it to Mechelen for either days of the conference. Sad because unless we have a conference in Antwerpen some day soon it's probably going the to be the closest FOSS event to home.

Aug 06 2008

It's Ham dammit !

Seems like my old spam module and Mollom were dissagreeing on comment spams.

Comment's that I had already approved were still being deleted by the spam module during it's cron run.

spam_delete_comment: deleted comment "openSUSEEE"

I just noticed this yesterday with 2-3 comments that disappeared.
So the old Spam module is gone.. it's just Mollom and Moderation now ..
If one of your comments is gone , please post it again :)

Aug 05 2008


It's gone, the Xandros that is.. I moved to EEEBuntu, the NBR 1.0 release.
Installed like a charm .. iso2stick

Pretty funny header :)
# Convert an Ubuntu live CD iso so that it's bootable off of a USB stick
# Copyright 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
# Jeremy Katz
# Jani Monoses (slightly adapted to Ubuntu LiveCD)

Tried it first .. the live distro luxury ... and the thing that made me decide was the better font support, much more screen realestate with Eeebuntu , that and the fact that much more tools that can be installed by default from a public repository while not breaking the dependency chain.

I created a backup of my configs.. well.. home dir then live-install and off we went.

Everything works like a charm, just like with the original Xandors distro,
suspend resume works, wifi works, my whole box is back up and running.

Next goal, upgrade my laptop :)

Aug 04 2008


So Cuil had lots of visibility because of their "data corruption" , showing "wrong" images to people.

However it seems like they still haven't cleaned up their mess.

Somehow they manage to place Geert Vanderkelen's picture in the search results for me.
Not the other way around however.

Well.. at least it isn't what they used to show :)

So Geert , if someone ever runs up to you and says "Hi Kris" , you know where they got the picture from :)

Aug 03 2008

A week of EEE

Obviously this last OLS week I've been carrying around my EEE. I left my big fat laptop in the hotel room to work on and make backups
at night but the main working machine of the week was my EEE.

Typing speed etc was reasonable the I only often ran into hitting the Up arror rather than the Shift button.
My biggest dissappointment however is the battery life. Surfing on this thing for more than 2 hours is just not feasable.

Then it's a matter of getting it charged again ... watching /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state update while you are still using it is as
painfull as watching grass grow. and shrink again while you watch at it ..

So I tried to keep it charging as much as possible.. so that I could make it to the end of the day. Then charge it at night so I could had a full battery again by the next morning.

But afterall the EEE cost less than my phone.. so it's worth the money .. and I was really glad to have it with me it's small, it's
lightweight .. and will last more conferences for me :)

O that and the fact that it heats up a lot

Aug 01 2008

DNS Problems and MySQL

The MySQL Performance Blog also figured it out .. Everything is a frigging dns problem :)

Baron gives a quick hint on how to test if you can safely enable skip_name_resolve or how to figure out which users to update to an IP address rather than a DNS name.

On of the many ... :)

Jul 31 2008

Eat your own dogfood

Can someone over at ZDNet please kick this idiot of this planet ?
We already knew that he doesn't have a clue what he is writing about

But Steven is also surprised that Dana isn't using even Linux while he has been writing about it long enough ..

Please make it stop !

Jul 31 2008

DNS Victims

Everything is a freaking DNS problem , and when you warn people about it , you get a piece of your own cake ;(

So it seems that HD Moore was Misquoted in the press.

So there's victims and victims. Surely Metasploit's credibility will go down as lots of people will only read the first article .. let alone the Metasploit blog that has more details.

Jul 31 2008

GroundWork heading the same path as Qlusters ?

In this article the ScienceLogic blogs wonders.

Here’s an interview with David Lily, founder and CEO. Hmm. What happened to CEO Ranga Rangachari? As far as I can tell, he disappeared somewhere between Nov 2007 and Jan 2008. No announcement that I could find… Wonder how things are going for GroundWork? Are they about to follow QLusters and drop the “Open Source” part of their name that they tacked on a couple years back?

Then followed up with the article on Qlusters closing shop where they identify different reasons for an Open Source systems management shop to close

What are the signs that a systems management company is going out of business?

a) they abandon their open source project, which was supposedly tied to their commercially supported version

b) they switch CEOs very very quietly

c) they are an “open source” company trying to actually make money (via paying customers, not VC)

d) all of the above

I've read rumours about GroundWorks management leaving before, but are they really heading the same direction ?

Now while we are on the crazy similarities subject ...

Remember Caldera ? Who bought SCO, after which it rebranded to SCO ?
Didn't have a nice ending didn't it ? So can you come up with another example of such a TakeOver and Rebrand scenario ?

Jul 31 2008

OLS Day 5

What , you didn't know OLS had 6 full days ? Sure thing.. if you include the pre OLS Minconfs then the 4 days of conference and then sunday to recover from the Black Thorne event and get on your (rental) bike for the Hacker Bike Ride . All together 6 days ..

The Bike Ride is the must do event where you can see Peter Anvin french kiss a penguin, or is that just the way you boot a Penguin ?
While eating some Burgers and HotDogs at the 2008 LITW, Linux in the Wild BBQ hosted by the Ottawa Linux User Group. Great event.. nice sights . and thnx for all the fish .. euh meat :)

That said .. my ols2008 pictures are now also online