Kris Buytaert's blog

Jun 13 2008

MySQL Trigger Woes

After a period of inactivity I was hacking back on a Drupal project, I had taken a mysql dump from a production platform and imported into my local dev setup, just to have some realistic data.

All of a sudden some forms started failing with the following error:

  1. user warning: There is no 'user'@'nonlocalhost registered query: insert into blah (stuff,morestuff) values (x,y) in /var/vhost/drupal-tree/includes/ on line 172.

My Drupal data connection was correct and working for selects etc.. only a limited set of inserts failed.

After some debugging I realised that the error was not Drupal related, running the same query on my MySQL console gave the same error.

  1. ERROR 1449 (HY000): There is no 'user'@'nonlocalhost' registered

The error came from a trigger on the table I was inserting data into that had been created on the production machine by a user@'host' that didn't exist on my development machine. the user was identical but the host wasn't.

MySQLdump includes that information in a dump and uses it to restore the same values.

So recreating the trigger on the development machine solved the problem.
I should probably look a bit closer into the MySQL bugs to figure out if this is a bug or just expected behaviour.

There might even be a parameter to disable this feature , but I didn't find it yet.

Jun 10 2008

Tax Time

So it's Tax time here in Belgium ..
And this year the government forced me to replace my good old identity card with an electronic one , hence creating a giant security gap. There is a private key involved. One that I didn't create, one that has been created by someone I don't know, I don't even know who, should I trust these people ? Should I trust the fact that someone could have made backups of my keys ?

There is nothing private about the keys the government issued so I fail to see how they can identify me in a secure way.. There can be tons of people that have that key.

Anyways.. for those local that happen to still have an FC6 box around (like I do) with a cardreader, here's the rpm for BEID, based on Dag's specfile.

I`m off to loose yet another part of my privacy ..

Jun 05 2008

Virtsec , a real problem , or surfing on the hype ?

Yesterday I took part in an interesting conf call with different Virtualization Security Industry leaders and Analysts

I`ll be processing the confcall logs and publish them over at

Jun 04 2008

Drupal Track @

In true Buytaert style I slightly persuaded Joeri to organise a Drupal track at T-Dose 2008

Joeri has just published the Call For Papers

Jun 03 2008

Xcerion, please abort your mission

So back in early may 2007 (yes 2007) I signed up for the Xcerion Beta program, I`m always interested in the next new Internet OS etc so I tought it was a good idea to give it a try.

In December of that same year I got a message stating that I made it to their Beta cloud. Their mail stated

This is your invitation to participate in Xcerion's XIOS/3 Beta program. You are one of the first in the world to get access to XIOS/3.
We currently only support IE6+ browsers. We are working on adding Firefox support (high priority).

Obviously didn't sign up ..
In April when I got the invite mail for the 4th time .. I replied to the Xcerion folks ..

As I am a Linux user .. I need firefox , since your initial mail
december 21st last year you say that Firefoxx support is high
priority ...

Their reply:

We have made some great progress on the Firefox version. This is the most
complex and fully featured cloud OS available, which makes porting more time
consuming. We are also constantly adding a lot of features. Xcerion is also
considering doing a native Linux version :)

Today I got yet another mail from them guess what still isn't supported ?

We currently support IE6+ browsers. Rest assured that we are working on adding Firefox support (high priority). The Firefox support will also enable usage of icloud on Mac and Linux

It's time to give up guys .. you lost the battle.

May 30 2008

Am I expecting too much from my readers ?

My last post, titled T-Dose CFP, got a comment from Bobby that people reading my feed from Planet MySQL couldn't possibly understand my post because of the lack of context.

So let me repost it..

Geekdinner is an unformal dinner where geeks meet , here in Belgium , but also at other places around the world, Every couple of months we meet , have dinner and chat about geeky stuff , such as tech conferences, mysql, drupal, jboss and other topics.

One of these topics was T-Dose , The Technical Dutch Open Source Event, which has their Call For Papers / Presentations available , so if you want to present there .. you have to tell them.

Bert Boerland gave a talk about Drupal there last year and Some Abstract Type, aka Geert Vanderkelen , MySQL/ Sun has also been spotted there before.

Would this be enough context or do you folks need more ?

Is my idea that people click on links to get more info , or even that people understand what a CFP is wrong ?

May 29 2008

T-Dose 2008 CFP

At this weeks' geekdinner some people wondered what was up with T-Dose, and guess what .. their CFP has been out for ages.

Last year I just catched the end of Bert's talk and Some Abstract Type has also been spotted there before.

No reason to miss this year's edition.

May 28 2008


I'm getting second thoughts about OpenID.

Here's why.

May 28 2008


Paper Submitted [OK]
Flight Booked [OK]
Hotel Booked [OK]

Still stuff to do but heading the right direction

May 22 2008

Distro Synchronisation

Look Mark , Red Hat and Novell have Synced their releases :)

Well.. not really .. even different Xen versions :)