Kris Buytaert's blog

Jul 22 2008

Made it to OLS

So we made it ..

We ran in to AGK on the flight from London , and into Compu at breakfast..

So far no real JetLag issues .. yet ..

The Virtualization miniconf where we are now has started ...

Jul 20 2008

Linux Symposium

As Tom and I will be heading to Ottawa for OLS Tomorrow you can expect some active blogging here this week..

That is if we can manage to find quality Wifi and our batteries last long enough..
before we find power :)

Anyway .. I`ll be heading to the Virtualization Mini Summit on tuesday, and then of to the big conference.

I`ll be presenting twice, once on the miniconf about openQRM4 and Tom and I will be presenting our findings comparing different monitoring tools such as Nagios, Hyperic, Zabbix , Zenoss and others at OLS itselve.

But don't hesitate to talk to me about other interresting topics such as MySQL or Drupal :)

Now first we have to cross a couple of borders, and an ocean :)

Jul 13 2008

WP vs Drupal vs TypePad

Obviously someone had to comment on my Blogger 2 Drupal article that I should migrate to Wordpress ..

I have to say thanx for the advise but no thanx.

I started of blogging on DotClear.. it was nice while it lasted .. but among the annoyancies were the bad translations or the lack of translations from the original French

For Oreilly GMT I'm using Typepad, i've lost a few posts with that ..
The Wordpress of also often freaks me out ...
So I've seen my part of the tools

I don't plan on changing blog tool any time soon .. I`ll stick to Drupal ..
thank you ..

Jul 10 2008


Matt has a good overview of the hidden costs of the soon to be available Proprietary device with a Vendor Lockin clausule. Some people are probably already slowing down on their coffee addiction to be able to afford the gimmic but the sad truth is it remains an utterly expensive proprietary and closed device to call people.

The fact that here in Belgium even TestAankoop is vouching for a change in legislation to make the brick affordable is just sad.

So let's stop all the BS about this closed device and go buy an openMoko ..

It's just too bad the Neo FreeRunner isn't available yet for a European mobile network (900/1800) (or at least Sold Out)

Jul 10 2008

Fired because of Open Source

When Dana Blankenhorn asked yesterday if Open Source was one of the reasons why Diane Greene was fired at VMWare I had to smile a bit .. obviously the economy is changing and Open Source is a real competitor to proprietary software ... but to fire the CEO , nah .

Firing developers that are working on an almost obsolete product however is a relevant thing to do. IBM just let go 150 , 30 of which in their Tivoli department.

Tools such as Tivoli, HP OpenView (what were they smoking when they chose that name) , and others are obviously feeling the heat from opensource. With frameworks such as Nagios and tools such as Zabbix, Zenoss and HypericHQ their fate has been written already .

Jul 10 2008

Major DNS Update

A lot of discussion is going on around yesterday major DNS upgrade push
Is it needed, is it overkill, are we fixing a new hot flaw or just reiterating over a 4 year old RFC

Yes Dan from DJB DNS already told us ages ago .. but Dan isn't the most loved person on the planet. Now as long as he doesn't head in the direction of that other unpopular filesystem guy :)

Anyhow .. CVS information is here and you can read up on some more background at Securosis

Add to that the fresh release of Unbound and security is back in style just like Chris Hoff said during the VirtSec debate :

“To me, security is like bell bottoms, every 10-15 years or so, it comes back into style.”

Jul 08 2008

Upcoming conferences

My Conference schedule is growing again. In about 2 weeks I`ll be in Ottawa at the Ottawa Linux Symposium.

I`ll be giving 2 talks there, the first at the Virtualization Miniconference where I`ll be discussing the new openQRM 4 and it's new Drupal style plugin management.

And my second talk will be together with my collegue Tom and we'll be talking about Systems Monitoring We'll be looking at how you can keep an eye on your infrastructure with open source tools

So after 2 talks at the LinuxKonference in Germany a trip to I`ll finally be visiting OLS :) I've looked a the OLS schedule and it obviously looks very interesting.

In september I`ll be talking about the Open Source Virtualization landscape at Open Expo Switzerland in Zurich .

If you run into me don't hesitate to chat .. always interrested in meeting new people.

Jul 03 2008

Choose your platform wiseley

The last couple of years , more and more infrastructure companies have arosen that focus on one platform. These platforms are companies like VMWare , Microsoft, Oracle, Documentum, and lots of the other Big Software Companies .

This is a very dangerous path to take. These companies lay their whole future in the big guys’ hands.

The second one of the companies these folks have been building on changes their API, or goes of of business They can be put out of business by the flick of a button.

While this wasn’t done on purpose, it illustrates the dependency of the client companies on the master company.

I also wouldn’t start a company that depends so tightly on another one.

Building your business in a sane way is building it on Open Standards.. not on a proprietary API.

Jul 02 2008


Tom , when can we expect LinkedIct ? :)

Jun 18 2008

openQRM 4.0 Beta

As I just mentioned on and Matt just posted , openQRM is reaching 4.0 Beta state. Lots of new stuff , lots of changes.

From the things I've seen a couple of weeks ago it really looks a lot better, lightweight than the previous openQRM

Guess feeding Matt some Sushi helps :) You should try it too..