Apr 05 2007

Getting to the top of Google.be

According to Wolf's Little Store
there was a contest about getting your site with your name listed on top of Google.be

Heck I didn't even know there was a contest. What could I win ?

Apr 04 2007


Anyone got a Dopplr invite , I got a Joost invite in return :)
(BTW Thnx Werner)

Oh and BTW I`m NOT going to use Twitter

Apr 03 2007

Bruno's BlogBoek

Via Bart we learn what ex M$ people call Open source :

Bruno's BlogBoek
"Bruno Goes open source" , means that he will enable comments..

Need we say more.. ?

Apr 03 2007


Some of you might already be wondering when I'd start blogging about my new equipment :) The 820 has been lying on my desk for the past week and half and it was serving as a XenServer 3.2 Beta platform. So now I finally got around and I`m starting to convert it into my daily workhorse.

These 2 blogs helped me figure out what was wrong with my network card installation.

I`ll be posting about my experiences with FC6 and FC7 on this box in a while , but I see no issues so far.

The most difficult part was figuring out where Dell was hiding the feature to enable the VT capabilities. They hid it under POST Behaviour then there is an option Virtualization and by default off course it is Off :) It's on now :)

Oh the last cmd I just ran

rpm -e beagle beagle-gui beagle-evolution

I don't need no useless memory eaters on my system !

Apr 02 2007

XenSource 3.2

XenEnterprise 3.2 just hit the web.
the interresting new features that showed up are VLAN support and support for newer Linux distro's.

Mar 31 2007

Matt's blog

At last : Matt's blog

Mar 30 2007

Twitter / Bart De Waele: En toch: nu besef ik weer w...

That's Bart talking about Emacs right ?

Mar 29 2007

Some Linux Bloggers Get Dell Laptops ?

Some Windows Bloggers Got Free Ferrari Laptopl
and Miel's Vaio program showed us already how it should be done ..

So I`m volunteering to test one of the new Dell Laptops that will be shipping with Linux

My idea on the Any Hardware vendor and Linux shipping problem , exactly what chromatic thinks about it

I don't care which distribution the vendor has preinstalled, as long as all of the hardware as unencumbered drivers in the appropriate trees and I don't have to pay the Microsoft or Apple tax.

Mar 29 2007


It's time the .eu gang starts reading O'ReillyGMT

O'ReillyGMT is a new blog from O'Reilly Media. We plan to bring you the low-down on tech culture from Iceland, Russia, South Africa and every place in between, from grass roots coding in solitary rooms, through the hopes and dreams of start-ups, via the pioneering work done by governments, charities and direct action groups, to the sizeable contributions of the major corporations that grace this territory.

(Disclaimer: Josette asked me to post there from time to time)

Mar 29 2007


I just learned about Woof