Jun 08 2007

Matt wants you to

Jun 07 2007

SAGE Booklets

At last you can order the SAGE booklets online, 10$ each.
My order should be on the way !

Jun 06 2007


Privacy is obsolete, Google is watching you..,

via Serge

Jun 06 2007

Belgian DNS Problems

Philip is complaining about the non working whois service, he's right...

We'd probably need some kind of whois++ with authentication. A one time user registration creates a key, with that key you can query as much as you like.
But DNS.be still keeps control over who's querying. Abusers can be disconnected.

Would that be a better solution than a Captcha ?

Jun 06 2007

Dave Jones on Comedy.

I somehow doubt that Dave Jones is talking about CentOS, he's probably refering to some other distribution not really available in Europe.

Jun 01 2007

From the department of redundancy department.

Dave Jones confirms, RAID doesn't work :)

May 30 2007

ACM Queue - DNS Complexity

May 25 2007


mysql> check table noneofyourbusiness quick ;

Table                            Op     Msg_type  Msg_text 
 noneofyourbusiness   check status          OK  
1 row in set (56 min 26.29 sec)
May 24 2007

I`m a Fonero !

At last, so when back in november 2005 I first ran into Fon , I ranted on them not documenting how to install their software on a standard Linux box , seems like now they have these kind of tutorials/packages e.g for Mandrake.

Time passed and while I initially had downloaded their source code and planned on documenting and building my own fon platform with my existing firewall and accesspoint, by magic Last week I won a WRT54GL at the NLUUG Conference.

So here's the documentation for dummies :)
After boot the device, you connect a machine to it and get an ip from the device. Then you can go to the webinterface , no username password admin.
From there you can go and upload the Firmware you downloaded.
Wait. , Reboot.

I think my Linksys lived about 5 minutes with it's original Firmware :)

At that time you can retry to connect to the device again via a new dhcpd lease.
You'll get a totally new application, this time your router is running Linux powered by Fon. Configure all your stuff then connect via a wirelles device to it, get a lease, then try surfing to the outer world. Fon will redirect you to their site where you can choose between becoming a Bill or a Linus, off course you want to become a Linus.
From there you can start adding friends and configuring your homepage. Off you go.. now you are a Fonero !

PS. I've got 3 Fon gets Fonero invitations left providing you with a Fon router for 20 euro.

May 24 2007

One small step for email, one giant leap for Internet safety

Don't tell me I didn't tell you folks
it was a DNS problem :)