May 07 2007

Will the last top developer out of Novell please turn off the lights?

While I`m not the biggest van fan of the business model Novell is using and I do prefer true open source solutions over open source with a proprietary sauce. I hope ZDNet is not right about the exodus at Novell.

ZDNet asks "Will the last top developer out of Novell please turn off the lights? " ,
I really hope that Novell will realise they are heading in the wrong direction and take the right conclusions soon. Lots of important people have left Novell such as Jeremy, Robert Love, Gerd Hoffmann and others. I hope they got the hint and realise that in order to be one of the important Open Source companies, you actually need to have Open Source people work for you .. and not only marketing and sales people.

May 05 2007

Google In Belgium

So google is plannnig to open a googleplex in Belgium, I`m still not sure if I like this or not.
My first reaction was that this is not good for the local startups and entrepreneurs as they won't be able to find highly skilled techies, as they would all be wanting to work for the big G. Well, not all of them but still.

When discussing that idea with Bob Young last week Bob gave me another look at the situation, Google will attract some of the brighter people in Europe and not all of them will like the culture there, which probably has changed over the years, some people won't fit in the strict Google organisation and create a whole new group of people that have moved into the area with their own ideas and skills.

There is one thing that doesn't fit here however and that's the language factor :(
But for developers and on the web that doesn't really matter, for local consultancy however it does.

May 05 2007

Barcamp Brussels MySQL Presentation

BarcampBrussels 3 is over.
By popular Demand I gave the Squeeze the most out of MySQL talk.

I've placed the presentation about MySQL online.
As I only had a good 20 minutes there are more slides in the presentation than you've actually seen.

Apr 27 2007

Barcamp Presentatie: votes please

Frank asks us to vote on his Barcamp presentation. I also asked to do so on the Barcamp site

For Frank my vote is on the "Rails doesn't scale topic", (I'd say OpenID but I guess I misunderstood Pascal saying he'd do something on that yesterday)

But as I see that lots of people are looking at how to use MySQL and scale it I'd figure maybe I should do a talk on MySQL Cluster , so send in the votes !

Apr 27 2007

Taste and recommendations

John talks about Taste and recommendations, only realised yesterday that the first time I started working on such a project is over 10 years ago.

I believe it was the summer of 96 when I was writing perl scripts at Riverland to create content for an online restaurant recommendation guide . Only today we see the same kind of tools resurface, but today they have an audience, or rather a userbase.

What happened to Collaborative Filtering ? What happened to Firefly ?
What happened to Pattie ?

Why did it take us almost 10 years for technology to become mainstream or usable ?

Apr 27 2007

Linux-Kongress 2008

From Linux-Kongress 2008

It's only April 2007, and already we are writing about Linux-Kongress 2008? What happened to Linux-Kongress 2007? Well, there will be no Linux-Kongress 2007! While at first this might sound disappointing, the story behind it is really very positive: During Linux-Kongress 2006 in Nuremberg it turned out that the Linux Kernel Developers Summit 2007 is going to take place in Cambridge in England and thus be in Europe for the first time. From the very beginning we were pleased about this and we felt that it would make no sense to have a Linux-Kongress a few weeks before or after the Summit and that instead a conference should take place in Cambridge immediately before or after the Summit. Luckily, our colleagues from the UKUUG managed to shift their annual Linux conference to September and, at the same time, renamed it LinuxConf Europe and are facilitating our participation.

Apr 25 2007

Twitter is Obsolete

Let's face it, you try it for a while then you become a lurker.. then you give up..

You already have too much noisy irc channels where often something really interresting is happening and where you can engage in a discussion, not in a @otherdude public broadcast style. Tom is so right.. it's the crappy irc channels such as #vlaanderen etc where notthing really happens all over again only this time integrated with SMS and mail.

Yes twitter makes a cheap Nagios 2 SMS service and that technology has it's uses .. but I`m sticking to Jabber and where the technical discussions happen.

Goodbye Twitter !

Apr 16 2007

Fun and profit with obsolete computers | CNET

According to Fun and profit with obsolete computers ,
One day , my VAXen, SGI Iris 3030, HP 9000's , Digital Boxen, Sun boxen, Apollo boxen and RS6000 boxen will be worth money again !

Apr 10 2007

Microsoft is Dead

Paul Graham : Microsoft is Dead

Apr 07 2007

PyoM: Documentation

Yesterday I ran into PyoM
a blog, dedicated to the development of python based UserLand tools for the openMosix kernel extension.

Today Dave
mentions the lack of documentation for oM 2.6, here's my reply on that topic:

The reason for no documentation on openMosix 2.6, apart from the stuff in the wiki, is that I don't want to write it before I consider openMosix 2.6 itselve stable enough to actually be used by people.

There is no use for enduser documentation if a product isn't stable enough to be used by that end user.

Up till today there still is no fixed userland code that has been accepted as the default oM2.6 tools maybe the new Python scripts will become those tools.