Jun 30 2007

Planet X-Tend

I just want to point you readers to Planet X-Tend, where a bunch of collegues are posting their muses and rants on different Open Source and related thingies, such as Xen, MySQL, OpenStreetMap, KVM, Fon and off course Linux in general.

Jun 30 2007

SNMP For dummies

So I don't use SNMP enough .. but this one is a really interresting trick.
the "exec" one.

exec FileCheck /usr/local/bin/filecheck.sh  /tmp/mon.log

Basically you run a script and the output from that script (say an error message or a status) , will be shown in an snmpwalk.

Jun 25 2007

LinkedIn to open up to developers

It seems like at last LinkedIn will open up to developers

According to the post on ZDNet

He told me that over next 9 months LinkedIn would deliver APIs for developers

For me LinkedIn still is the best platform around, and them opening up was just a matter of time ( and still is). LinkedIn has the working crowd, people whom you know are there.

Comparing LinkedIn to other networks I`m on I don't see that much people on Ecademy, Xing also isn't very big. I don't like Facebook, it wants to know too much irrelevant stuf from me and doesn't even suggest someone I should know .. took an account there just to make sure I wasn't loosing out on something and indeed I wasn't. I already deleted my Orkut account ages ago. And somehow all the request I get from openCoffeclub are spammers and I don't find any other interresting networks on Ning.

So I`ll be one of the people waiting for the LinkedIn API to pop up .. to see what I can build on top of LinkedIn :)

Jun 24 2007

Call for Proposing Speakers Fosdem

After years of "No Call for Papers", and "How can I speak at Fosdem ?"

Now you can suggest speakers and subjects for the 2008 Fosdem edition so let's all fill in what we want at next years edition !

But what do we want, I guess we want a Scale the Web2.0 track with talks on MySQL , Apache, Loadbalancing, System Automation etc., don't we ?

Jun 21 2007


buytaert@emperor:~/Maildir/.Ihatespam$ du -s -h
1.9G    .
Jun 21 2007

The end of Raid as we know it .. RAID is dead, long live RAIS !

I somehow totally missed this thread , started and summarized by Jeremy Cole on the death of Raid ..

In Yes Jeremy, RAID Really Is Dying , Kevin Burton makes a good point ..

Most large scale out shops should probably be using a redundant array of inexpensive servers.

or RAIS , the difference between a Redundant Array of Inexpensive Servers an Inexpensive Disks being that you don't need expensive Controllers for the Inexpensive Servers .. This is exactly what I have been telling people for a while now..

In the summary posting Jeremey also points out

data partitioning is the only game in town, cache everything, and use MySQL replication for high availability and redundancy.

And when you do replication to multiple servers, why still add RAID to your design, your data is already replicated on multiple disks. Putting it on even more disk is just a pure waste of money.

Jun 20 2007

YouTube - Belgian Penguin Freak

NO, this is NOT how we all look here in Belgium, this guy clearly lost it.

PS. Sadly this does not seem to be taken from the french version of "In the Gloria"

Jun 15 2007

Forking Blog

I feel like this blog doesn't need my views on new hypes, Web2.0 tryouts and other non Linux/Open Source tech things.
So I`m forking it ... only Linux and Open Source tips and commentry here from now.

My experiences with different Web 2.0 and future platforms will go here

Jun 14 2007

Linspire the latest to sign pact with the devil

In his blog entry Linspire the latest to sign pact with the devil
Dave Rosenberg is pretty straight forward

The fact that the irrelevant players like Linspire and Xandros (I would even extend irrelevance to Novell) sign these agreements is an embarrassment to the rest of the Linux vendor community.

He might go a step too far by calling Novell irrelevant but I think he's right on the sweet spot on Linspire and Xandros.

In over 10 years of Linux and Open Source consultancy, I didn't ran into 1 European customer running on any of those distributions. So why should I care if they sell their soul to the devil ?

Jun 11 2007

Virtualization with Xen