LinkedIn to open up to developers

It seems like at last LinkedIn will open up to developers

According to the post on ZDNet

He told me that over next 9 months LinkedIn would deliver APIs for developers

For me LinkedIn still is the best platform around, and them opening up was just a matter of time ( and still is). LinkedIn has the working crowd, people whom you know are there.

Comparing LinkedIn to other networks I`m on I don't see that much people on Ecademy, Xing also isn't very big. I don't like Facebook, it wants to know too much irrelevant stuf from me and doesn't even suggest someone I should know .. took an account there just to make sure I wasn't loosing out on something and indeed I wasn't. I already deleted my Orkut account ages ago. And somehow all the request I get from openCoffeclub are spammers and I don't find any other interresting networks on Ning.

So I`ll be one of the people waiting for the LinkedIn API to pop up .. to see what I can build on top of LinkedIn :)