Aug 09 2007

Dell's Linux offer in Europe : still vapourware

Is Dell abusing with its Linux offer ? - lefred's own blog ;-)

Yes Fred, it's pure marketing, I talked to chatted with an online Dell sales rep earlier this week because I was looking into buying either an Ubuntu Dell Laptop or a laptop with no operating system. She had to check around but none of the above was available in Europe , let alone Belgium , she also tried the UK, all this after Dell is making big announcements in the US.

Oh and did I mention.. the laptops they offer in the US aren't even close to what I'd want ? A decent screen to start with .. not some 1024x768 Max thingie ..
I'd rather have them not selling a distro and just offer the NO OPERATING system option with all their products rather than a minimal laptop configuration that I don't care about.

Aug 09 2007

Project: Yast -

Oh my god ..

There was a time when it was common to remove Yast from Suse machines so you could actualy use it and now the guys over at Oracle have been porting yast to Unbreakable hence also to Centos and Unfakable ? That's the wrong direction folks :)

Aug 09 2007

Refining MySQL Community Server(2)

I noted earlier today in Refining MySQL Community Server
that it would be

just a matter of time and someone will start building RPM/Debian packages from the source repository.

I clearly didn't have my first cup of coffe yet when writing that as off course I forgot we already have DorsalSource

Aug 09 2007

Refining MySQL Community Server

Different things can be said about
Kaj Arno's , Refining MySQL Community Server but given the fact that the source will continue to be freely available from Bitkeeper I see no issues apart from a possible growth in real community MySQL with real contributions.

In Mike Kruckenberg's article on the topic someone comments and asks how this is different from the RedHat model, I only see one difference, today we don't have a CentOS yet for MySQL .. I`m sure it's just a matter of time and someone will start building RPM/Debian packages from the source repository. (If it's not already happening today)

As long as MySQL keeps all their source code free ..

Aug 08 2007

LinuxConf Europe 2007

No LinuxKongress Germany for me this year.. and not for anyone else , as this year we're all be heading to Cambridge UK for LinuxConf Europe 2007

I`m looking forward to it..
Seems like we'll be drinking Caipirinhas with Arnaldo and Matt again (if he doesn't break something with his Kitewing that is.. And I'm sure Tab will show up someday

Woldtrotter Jorn Engel these days goes beyond saying RAID is daid, he just stopped believing in Hard disks I`m also looking forward to Google's Ganeti talk .. which is supposed to be released before the Conference , Interresting times ahead..

Aug 08 2007

Dell plans to embrace virtualisation

Dell plans to embrace virtualisation

LinuxWorld, Dell CTO Kevin Kettler let slip that the company plans to sell machines that will boot a hypervisor from flash memory.

Xen on Flash ?

Next step, let's kick the bios out.

Aug 07 2007

Brandweer Waarschoot

The Brandweer Waarschoot has a funky DNS problem.
Weird how the "real press" claims their site has been "hacked".

Well.. it happened to everybody and their rother earlier this decade .. they only got lucky a brave soul used his credit card for the right goal.

Aug 06 2007

Millenials, or Generation Y

A collegue just pointed me to
How Will Millennials Manage? , a pretty accurate
description of Generation Y kinda people.

Not everything matches off course, me being just on the border of Generation Y but surely part of Generation X
(Generation X being born between 1961 and 1981 where as Generation Y being the younger part of that generation 1976 to 1982.)

Aug 06 2007

Obvious but good

Obvious for most of us .. but sometimes you need the ammo.

Seven Financial Reasons to Use Linux in the Enterprise

Aug 02 2007

Quote of the day

"I cant open that .txt file, could you please send me a word document"

Can someone please, please pull all the morons of the internet so we can get our jobs done again .
Thanks in advance ..