Dec 20 2007


Paul, the reason why they are bothering you on Spock , is because they haven't remembered they signed up with Wink yet :)

Dec 20 2007

On the fate of Redmond

Dana Blankenhorn compares Microsoft to a sportsman at the end of his carreer as opposed to Tiger Woods who is at the top of his carreer.

So if Microsoft is getting old it might be time to let them play from the ladies front tees and only require them to play qualifying once a year that way nobody will complain if they miss a shot we all know where they are heading.

Dec 19 2007

Getting rid of Blogger

So time had come to move all my other blogs to drupal and move them away from blogger.
When I migrated this blog from dotclear to Drupal I found a php script that grabbed all the content from my dotclear setup and migrated it to a fresly installed drupal. I was hoping to find a similar tool for Blogger .

Well no such luck .. most of the links I found instructed me to first install wordpress, use the import functionality of wordpress then migrate from wordpress to Drupal.

Setting up a Wordpress and importing the Blogger postings took me about 10 minutes. Then the hunt for a WordPress to Drupal migration tool started .. first I ran into into a binary one that seemed to be able to connect too my database but couldn't find the wordpress databases. Next I ran into a drupal module that only worked on 4.6 But luckily at last I ran into A drupal module that works with 5.X well. not sure if it does .X but at least with .1 .. (as one of the tests I ran waas on a 5.2 and it failed there)

So a couple of manual changes of users mappings , setting up new themes and some postings on the old blogs that there was a new feed to be subscribed to I was ready to go...

Untill.. I couldn't log on to one of the blogs anymore .. I could ask for a onetime login session, ,manage from there .. then try to log on with the new password and promptly I was shown an Access Denied page . Weird..
The watchdog logs told me that the logon was successfull. but the next entry told me that it was the anonymous user failing access to the protected pages .

Thxn to gnat_x on #drupal_support I cleared my cookies and seemed to solve the issue.
He told me he had seen issues before with settings where and conflicted or it might have been and .. He was right.. so I`ll need to figure out how to set my base_url for the different drupals I have running :)

Dec 18 2007


Awesome Browser :

Dec 17 2007

Integrating HA and Virtualization

Alan Robertson is discussing how Managed Virtualization (including HA) conflicts with System Management

He has some interesting points regarding managing infrastructure , in his vision there are just too much layers that don't talk to eachother .
He also points out some of the issues with CIM and SNMP .

Alan thinks the ideal way to go is to have your HA solution manage your Virtualization also.

I`m wondering if this doesn't add too much complexity.

If you are already making sure the services in your virtual machines are highly available, then why would you want to add another layer of complexity ? Surely the idea of being able to migrate virtual machines around sounds tempting but do we really need that extra layer of complexity ?

I've explained that migrating a virtual machine to another server won't help you when your apps crash or when your physical server fails.

But keeping an overview of which services are running where from 1 place seems like an interesting idea.

I've been tinkering about using the resource concept of Linux-HA however to serve another purpose than pure high availability. You might want to use its constraints to define how many virtual machines should run on and how much resources they can use on a certain physical machine. Hence create a loadbalancing infrastructure with it.

(I`m really really hoping someone now replies to this with a url which gives me a HAResource that does Live Migration :))

Dec 17 2007

Computer History Museum Videos

Most people who know me remember me having a passion for oldskool hardware, So the Computer History museum having a set of videos up on YouTube. looks interresting

I hope one day , we can have a similar museum at this side of the ocean.. I still have most of my hardware collection to donate there !

Dec 17 2007

How open Source Works.,

So you like this project and start pushing feedback, and small patches
on a frequent base to the project lead . At a certain point in time the
project lead gets so overloaded or fed up with your patches that he
decided there has to be a way for you to stop annoying him.

So he'll give you CVS commit access.

That's the day you'll break the project with your patch :)

Dec 15 2007


Everybody who once spent 5 minutes debugging drupal forms will spot the difference..

  1. $form['currency'] = array(
  2. '#type' => 'textfield',
  3. '#title' => t('currency'),
  4. '#size' => 60,
  5. '#maxlength' => 255,
  6. '#default_value' => $dateset->currency,
  7. '#description' =>t('currency')
  8. );

Looks an awfull lot like

  1. $form['currency'] = array(
  2. '#type' => 'textfield',
  3. '#title' => t('currency'),
  4. '#size' => 60,
  5. '#maxlength' => 255,
  6. '#value' => $dateset->currency,
  7. '#description' =>t('currency')
  8. );

Only the second one isn't much use in a form :)

Dec 14 2007

New Zealand

New Zealand sounds like a much better place to emigrate to than The Netherlands

Dec 14 2007

Open Source in the Governement

The Netherlands
is heading to more Open Source adoption with a with a policy !

Under the policy, approved Wednesday, government organizations will still be able to use proprietary software and formats, but will have to justify that decision under the principle of "adopt or explain" why not,

It's a really good example of what other governements should do ..

But then again .. we first need a governement :(