So time had come to move all my other blogs to drupal and move them away from blogger.
When I migrated this blog from dotclear to Drupal I found a php script that grabbed all the content from my dotclear setup and migrated it to a fresly installed drupal. I was hoping to find a similar tool for Blogger .
Well no such luck .. most of the links I found instructed me to first install wordpress, use the import functionality of wordpress then migrate from wordpress to Drupal.
Setting up a Wordpress and importing the Blogger postings took me about 10 minutes. Then the hunt for a WordPress to Drupal migration tool started .. first I ran into into a binary one that seemed to be able to connect too my database but couldn't find the wordpress databases. Next I ran into a drupal module that only worked on 4.6 But luckily at last I ran into A drupal module that works with 5.X well. not sure if it does .X but at least with .1 .. (as one of the tests I ran waas on a 5.2 and it failed there)
So a couple of manual changes of users mappings , setting up new themes and some postings on the old blogs that there was a new feed to be subscribed to I was ready to go...
Untill.. I couldn't log on to one of the blogs anymore .. I could ask for a onetime login session, ,manage from there .. then try to log on with the new password and promptly I was shown an Access Denied page . Weird..
The watchdog logs told me that the logon was successfull. but the next entry told me that it was the anonymous user failing access to the protected pages .
Thxn to gnat_x on #drupal_support I cleared my cookies and seemed to solve the issue.
He told me he had seen issues before with settings where and conflicted or it might have been and .. He was right.. so I`ll need to figure out how to set my base_url for the different drupals I have running :)