LinkedIn Spam

So some unknown Sean 1800+ mails me .. doesn't know me .... wants to be connected with me , why ? Beats me..

He finishes his email with
"If you would prefer not to accept my request then please simply ignore this message. It would be very much appreciated if you did not click on the “do not know this person” button. Have a great day and thank you for your time. "

Now why would I want to do that ? He just spammed me, via LinkedIn, there is only one sensible thing to do and that is report him as a spammer. What was this guy thinking.. If I send unsollicited mail directly to someone's inbox he'll probably tag it as spam. If I do it via LinkedIn he`ll like it ?

I only link with people that I have communicated with over different media , know in person , have spoken with on the phone ( a head hunter that calls me doesn't count), worked with in real life or have worked with online intensively in different open source projects.. there are couple of exceptions in my connections from my early days when I didn't have my own set of rules yet.

I have a couple of people on hold .. knowing that I will meet them in the next couple of months.. , these are the kind of people I won't
click "Don't know" on.. mostly because I do know them, by reputation by referral but not in person yet.

Once in a while there is this person that you want to meet up with, get to know better, you are doing similar stuff and you planned to meet but just missed each other by 5 minutes.. difficult ..

LinkedIn is my personal addressbook , it helps me to keep track of people email addresses, it helps me to see where people are moving to and what their new projects are.

But please don't spam me there... it will only hurt yourselve


Paul Cobbaut's picture

#1 Paul Cobbaut : linkedin connection removal

"there are couple of exceptions in my connections from my early days"...

You can remove them, you know ? I also accepted a couple of connections back in the days when you could see the real number instead of the +500 count.

Once connection removal was possible they received a nice email asking where we knew each other from. Five people did not reply, and were disconnected.
