#monitoringsucks and we'll fix it !

If you are hacking on monitoring solutions, and want to talk to your peers solving the problem
Block the monday and tuesday after fosdem in your calendar !

That's right on february 6 and 7 a bunch of people interrested to fix the problem will be meeting , discussing and hacking stuff together in Antwerp

In short a #monitoringsucks hackathon

Inuits is opening up their offices for everybody who wants to join the effort Please let us (@KrisBuytaert and @patrickdebois) know if you want to join us in Antwerp

Obviously if you can't make it to Antwerp you can join the effort on ##monitoringsucks on Freenode or on Twitter.

The location will be Duboistraat 50 , Antwerp
It is about 10 minutes walk from the Antwerp Central Trainstation
Depending on Traffic Antwerp is about half an hour north of Brussels and there are hotels at walking distance from the venue.

Plenty of parking space is available on the other side of the Park


Devdas Bhagat's picture

#1 Devdas Bhagat : Confirming

I'll be there. FWIW, I'm at the Condo Gardens, De Pretstraat 11, 2060 Antwerpen, Belgium and it's a double room, so if anyone needs a cheap place to stay at, I've a spare bed.

Kris Buytaert's picture

#2 Kris Buytaert : Never heard of

Didn't even know there was a place .. it that's really just around the corner same block even. !

Devdas Bhagat's picture

#3 Devdas Bhagat : I didn't know either. But my

I didn't know either. But my employer does :)

Frank Marien's picture

#4 Frank Marien : I'll be there

I'll be there .. use the occasion to open up the ExtreMon project to the world. It's been floating around too long, needs some sunlight to bloom, as well as capture where it fits in the story today.

Frank  Marien's picture

#5 Frank Marien : extremon unveiled

Blogged My First Blog (who would have thought):


Kris Buytaert's picture

#6 Kris Buytaert : Patrick documents the answer

Patrick documents the answer to your question in


Dag Wieers's picture

#7 Dag Wieers : What exactly ?

I might be convinced if it's clear what exactly the problem is and in what way it's going to be fixed, or what solution is going to be (re)invented ?