Apr 10 2006

RedHat & Jboss

In contrary to what this article on infoworld claims, Redhat just agreed to Acquire JBoss.

Apr 06 2006

MySQL Feature: Incredible Bug Response Time

MySQL Bugs: #18866: ndbd segfaults when starting 2 times

Jonas is just incredible, not even 3 minutes after I report a bug he replies to it. It takes me 4 minutes to realise it's actually duplicate, and by the time I want to comment on that myselve I see that he already made the same comment.

No way you can ever get that from a proprietary software company !

Apr 06 2006

MySQL Bugs: #17605: MySQL Cluster not cleaning up / freeing tablespaces after delete

A quick workaround for the tablespace bug I reported earlier to MySQL.

An extent can't be reused to another table until a LCP has been performed. You can force a LCP by using 'ndb_mgm -e "all dump 7099"'

At least now you can cotinue adding stuff to your database while not having to add extra tablespaces altough you deleted the data ... to be continued :)

Apr 06 2006

Misc CFEngine thingies

I'm doing a lot of CFengine studying, learning and testing these days,
and I guess one could study CFengine for a couple of years still not knowing everything about it ;)
Up till last week the 2 most difficult tasks I had in mind was the initial distribution of keys , and how I was going to put Cfengine in HA.

As someone at the UKUUG Lisa conference mentionned you can distribute keys using cfrun. If you make sure that on your managed nodes you also have a cfservd running that accepts keys from a certain subnet, you then do a echo y | cfrun with your managed nodes in your cfrun.hosts file cfrun will help you spread the keys.
Also cfengine is so kind to try multiple values of server = ( server-a server-b ) so that if server-a is down it tries server-b , next step is to find out a intelligent scheme for modifying the configs of server-b

Apr 06 2006

Java Error, Google returns 0 results .. till now :)

Google is was not very helpful with the "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Probable fatal error:No fonts found." I ran into earlier this week. I figured out via another box that /usr/lib/jvm/java/jre/lib containd a missing link to fonts -> /usr/share/fonts/java
Which actually can be found in java-1.5.0-sun-font alike packages. Who knows this helps soneone someday.

Apr 06 2006


My most recent presentations are online ( UKUUG & TMAB ) , yes the UKUUG one has some minor changes when comparing to the LinuxDays.lu presentation.

The other presentation was about Contributing to Open Source, A strange experience for me I kind of got used to rushing trough my presentations in about 75% of the time I have available for my talks, only this time to realise that I had used about twice the time I had available , strange thing the moderator didn't even try to warn me that I was going over time.

Apr 06 2006

Deep Hacking Mode Explained

We can't idle, we can't sit down and listen , we can't stay awake in meetings ,
and the worst part of all, once we are sitting behind our laptops, the rest of the world doesn't exist anymore

Guess what.. there are even explanations for this behaviour

The typical geek trains their brain to be heavily focused while multitasking day after day. Is it surprising that this same brain does not do well when forced to isolate down to one task? Listening in a meeting is a very isolated, very passive event. Coding, developing, debugging these are not passive at all. The geek brain is just not trained to sit quietly and listen.

Now the next question is, do we want to be cured ? :)

Mar 31 2006

LinuxTag 2006 - Grid, Cluster and Virtualisation Track

It's almost completely finished the LinuxTag 2006 - Grid, Cluster and Virtualisation Track

Reviewing all the submissions was a lot of work, there were a lot of interresting topics and we had to decline a lot of them, I hope we managed to create a schedule where all kinds of different topics in the track will be tackled.

The Kernel track on friday also look interresting .. It's nice seeing people such as Alasdair and Matt showing up again :) Too bad once again Wim can't make it :(

Mar 29 2006

Open Source vs Web 2.0

Don Marti on Open Source and Web 2.0 stuff

There's some overlap between being a "Web 2.0" company and being an "open source" one. Here's where I think Web 2.0 goes further than open source. If open source is trees, Web 2.0 is hemp. Instead of harvesting big particpation from a committed developer, tester, user, partner, or customer, you get a small quantity of fiber per transaction, fast, and you do a lot of them.

Mar 27 2006

MySQL Bugs: #12027: DBDICT: File has already been opened

I just ran into MySQL Bugs: #12027: , one of the fixes for this is to run ndbd --initial again, however as I had already done that on my other node just removing the offending file also worked.