Jan 30 2007

Backwards Syntax compatibility

I`m wondering , how many times did openQRM already modify their qrm-filesystem-image syntax ?

Jan 30 2007

Red Hat to open source its Network product

Open Sources reports that Red Hat is to open source its Network product
well, that's no news , internally RedHat has been wanting to do that for ages.

The only thing that was keeping them back was that deep down below their Satellite product they used an Oracle Database, and the time to get rid of that.
So it was only a matter of time .

Open Sourcing RHN means that mangement for hetereogenous platforms will become easier. However in mixed environments you still need to look at other alternatives.
Guess we still have a lot of work to do.

I`m hoping RH can free it's RHN product soon so that maybe we can start contributing

Jan 27 2007

To Write or not To Write

That's the question. I`m kind of having a dilemma... hmm.. more later...

Jan 25 2007

People think I speak russian

Jos just told me I speak russian, I must have written this in my sleep somehow.

I have no problem with people translating my work etc, I'd just appreciate it if they let me know so that I at least know where my name is (ab)used :)

Jan 23 2007

Open Source Cooking

Matt Assay
just posted a great analogy between Linux and Enterprise Linux

This is no different from me buying groceries vs. buying an entree at a restaurant. Nothing stops me from buying all the ingredients of a meal I can order at a local restaurant. But nine times out of 10, I'm going to buy it at the restaurant, because I don't want to futz around with the "bits" myself. It's worth it to pay for the service. Is the service "proprietary?" Yes, in a sense, but not really.

Guess that makes us consultants caterers :)

Jan 23 2007

MySQL on the GRID

Werner pointed us to Media Temple's
entry on how to Scale MySQL in a large scale hosting environment.
The short summary. Put them all in a virtual container and isolate them.

Jan 22 2007

UKUUG Spring Conference 2007

Booking  OK 
Hotel OK
Flight  OK
Jan 22 2007

MySQL Symposium Rescheduled

Seems like the MySQL Symposium will be rescheduled. On one side that's bad news, on the other personally it makes my schedule a bit lighter.

On the same day I got the news about the MySQL symposium being delayed I got the news that my paper for the dutch Virtualisation conference has been accepted at least I have more time now to work on that :)

Jan 22 2007

New Laptop

Dear LazyWeb I`m in the market for a new Laptop. My current Inspiron 8600 is showing age and harddisk errors.
I need bluetooth, wifi, and a Xen capable CPU, about 2Gb memory, a widescreen. and about 8 hours battery life (2 batteries that can be fit a the same time is fine)

Any suggestions ?

PS. LinuxLaptop that is :)

Jan 20 2007


Bart pointed me to Geni, cool app.
Now if they only could add an export option. I'd want to save that content locally.

Dries, you should try it .. who knows what happens ;)