
Feb 19 2009

Dear Windows Admin, you have now been replaced by a Cat

I`m one of those guys that really doesn't like to agree with certain EULA's

While it's sad enough that Dell still fails to sell an Ubuntu based laptop in Belgium and claims they have to charge extra for removing the irrelevant software from Redmond hence trying to trick you into paying more money for freedom there are things you can work around easily, I won't be accepting the EULA that comes with those new boxen.

However back when I last installed a virtual instance of some software from Redmond one of my test Xen servers , I was presented with a screen that that urged me to press F8 in order to accept something I didn't want to accept.

Back then I just asked a friendly guy from the office next door , to come in and press that F8 button, he didn't mind.

But with with this new amazing technology, I don't even need to use the services of the windows admins anymore .. I can just call my cat onto the table and have her do the dirty work :)