Kris Buytaert's blog

Jan 22 2008

Package Centric Deployment, or how to package packages

This one has been in my queue for ages .. well.. 3+ months or so .. but still..

Over at dev2ops an article was posted with as title Pacakge Centric Application Release Methodology.

And it's that Application Release part which is actually the focus point.
The Application being split up in different parts where different teams have responsibility over those parts and having isolated packages for these parts is a good thing.

But you can easily confuse that naming of a package with the way a systems person looks at a pacakge, a deb , or an rpm. And then the story changes a lot.

They list the contents as a packge as follows :

What belongs in a package?
* Code: Application files executed by the runtime system. This could be compiled objects or interpreted script.
* Platform: Files that comprise the runtime layer. This is generally server software like Apache, JBoss, Oracle, etc.
* Content: Non-executed files containing information. These could be media files or static text.
* Configuration: Files defining the structure and settings of an online service. These could be files for configuring the runtime system or the application.
* Data: Files containing data or procedures for defining data. These could be database schema dumps, SQL scripts, .csv files, etc.
* Control: Configuration and procedures consumed by management frameworks

Now I`m convinced that not all of this content belongs in an RPM or Deb.
Config , Content and Data don't belong there at all.
Yet they have to be delivered as a package by the development team, we need to know what the deliverables are they have to provide us with. But on a system, if you autorize change to content or config you don't want our package management system to keep telling you it's checksums have changed.

Within the package-centric paradigm, each type of change noted above is bundled, distributed and executed via a package.
Executed ? You don't want your package management system to do this .. that's exactly what your configuration management platform isi supposed to do isn't it ?
On a systems level you really want to separate code, data and config.

So dev2ops is talking about a package from a developer point of view, which is a totally different view as the one from a sysadmin ...

Jan 22 2008

voic privacy()

A couple of weeks ago there was some fuzz about Ohloh "publishing" information about developers that was open out on the web already hence taking away their privacy.

Imvho the moment you start writing open source code its obvious people will read that and you shouldn't be nagging about people creating statistics out of it.

But if you really don't like it .. as Ohloh just open sourced their code, so you can provide patches to
hide your contributins

Jan 22 2008

Barcamp ESM Europe ?

Over at the fresh Open Management website , I launched the idea of having a European edition of Barcamp ESM.

Just lets make sure that Europe is also placed on the map in this area..!

Jan 21 2008


Brussels will be the virtualization capital of Europe tomorrow and Wednesday

Jan 21 2008

Shell Users

Russel points the world at a shell user looking for a partner to fork with

“There is a sad truth to the world today. I am part of a dying breed of people known as “shell users.” … Because there are fewer and fewer of us, I must help keep our lineage alive. I am looking for someone to help me do this. I need a woman (obviously) who is willing to raise a child with me in the method of Unix.“.

Over here in .be we have the perfect candidate .. she's currently taken however afaik

Jan 19 2008

MySQL Toolkit

My good friend Fred just blogged about his favourite set of MySQL tools including Maatkit, Querysniffer , MyTop and other interresting tools.

Check them out..

Jan 18 2008

Web 2.0 Annoyancies

Jan 18 2008

Yahoo and OpenID

Peter points us to Yahoo and openID. While I applaud adoption of OpenID, I`m looking at the Yahoo configuration panel where I link my own self managed openid to my Yahoo account.

I don't need a 3453rd openid provider .. I have one that I manage myselve.. I just want to use it more often.

Jan 16 2008

Is the stack complete now ?

It makes sense. Sun didn't have a Database in their platform stack yet.

They have an OS they should abandon, but they have the hardware and they have appservers, however for a database people needed to go shop elsewhere.
Oracle , IBM and Microsoft also have a pretty complete stack
Others still need to fill the gaps.. Interesting times..

Jan 12 2008

The Hiring Squad

Daniel tells us how he recognises a good programmer.
He is sooo right about all of what he wrote, As I have been sitting at the other side of the hiring table , I have to say I too look for passion,
I don't look for degrees, or certifications, personal experiences can be much more important than corporate experiences. But they have to be experience, not looking at.

Anyway . the article is a must read for every recruiter out there..