May 05 2009

I love

But I won't become a paid subscriber when they close down access for some countries is awesome .. it learned about my music habits, and it got really good at streaming me My Music, yes.. you read that correctly .. about 85% of the music it sends to my rhythmbox also lives in /home/MyMusic , that's like the CD's I bought and ripped to play anywhere I go.. I already paid for those, so why would I want to pay for them again ?

Pandora did a better job in teaching me about new music I'd like .. it gave me new music to listen to, but it got killed in Europe, heck even my I can only be bought in the US Chumby doesn't want to play from Pandora.

StuBru tells me about the new music etc , but it doesn't have a "Ban"/"Hate It" button so I only use it in my disconnected car, Oh it's not that was perfect on the Hate part either.. I hate Filip kowlier's music , I told it a zillion times .. it keeps forgetting.

So when eventually will close down for people istening from Belgium

I`ll probably move to , till they decide I have to pay again for something I already own.

Feb 01 2008

2 years ahead

Christophe just proved it. I've been saying it for a while, I had a good idea about it .. but now we have mathematical proof.

I`m about 2 years ahead of the crowd.

And I wasn't even early on Last.FM I was using Pandora before that..