
Mar 14 2008

Looking back at a Decade of open sourceVirtualization

Earlier this week published the first in a series of articles about Virtualization in Open Source.

In that first article I`m looking back at where we come from in the Virtualization field both on desktop and server level.

The sequel to this article will tackle today's virtualization options.

Feb 14 2008 just Relaunched just launched their freshly revamped site. is your central place to read everything about Virtualization that's happening on our little planet, news, rumours, events, interviews, howto's and many more.

Go check it out !

Disclaimer: I`m writing for

Feb 12 2008

It ain't mainstream

till Scot Adams jokes about it ....

Yes I removed the image link.. some weird policy invented by a PHB that should probably feature in one of Scots cratoons, prevents me from displaying the actual image here.. , Or was it the marketing department ..

Dec 17 2007

Integrating HA and Virtualization

Alan Robertson is discussing how Managed Virtualization (including HA) conflicts with System Management

He has some interesting points regarding managing infrastructure , in his vision there are just too much layers that don't talk to eachother .
He also points out some of the issues with CIM and SNMP .

Alan thinks the ideal way to go is to have your HA solution manage your Virtualization also.

I`m wondering if this doesn't add too much complexity.

If you are already making sure the services in your virtual machines are highly available, then why would you want to add another layer of complexity ? Surely the idea of being able to migrate virtual machines around sounds tempting but do we really need that extra layer of complexity ?

I've explained that migrating a virtual machine to another server won't help you when your apps crash or when your physical server fails.

But keeping an overview of which services are running where from 1 place seems like an interesting idea.

I've been tinkering about using the resource concept of Linux-HA however to serve another purpose than pure high availability. You might want to use its constraints to define how many virtual machines should run on and how much resources they can use on a certain physical machine. Hence create a loadbalancing infrastructure with it.

(I`m really really hoping someone now replies to this with a url which gives me a HAResource that does Live Migration :))