Phrase from nearest book meme

Meme from codeblog

* Grab the nearest book.
* Open it to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
* Don’t dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.

My result:

"We'll cover more on where to place your name servers in Chapter 8, Growing Your Domains." - DNS and BIND , 2nd Edition , Paul Albitz & Cricket Liu

No really it really was the closest one .. someone just brought it back to my desk



botchagalupe's picture

#1 botchagalupe : Here's my result: No man

Here's my result:

No man should have a secret from his wife - she invariably finds it out. Love and Marriage, The Wit of Oscar Wilde.

The sad thing is that the first technical book was at least 6 books away (Pro Drupal Developement). I think I am spending way to much time blogging.


Pat Kerpan's picture

#2 Pat Kerpan : my closest book p56

"Domain Engineering concentrates on delivering reusable software assets"

Generative Programming, Krzysztof Czarnecki & Ulrich W. Eisenecker

Pat Kerpan's picture

#3 Pat Kerpan : my closet book p56

I am so lame!

"Domain Engineering concentrates on delivering reusable software assets"

Generative Programming, Krzysztof Czarnecki & Ulrich W. Eisenecker

markske's picture

#4 markske : my closest book p56

My result: Setting up Linux partitions

Linux's fdisk lets you specify the size of the partition either by sup-
playing an end sector number or by giving a size in megabytes.

Linux third edition, tim parker