Drupal Registration procedure
As a Drupal newbie I`m wondering about the new user creation process.
Is it just me or is there a part missing int he admin/user/settings form. When you as an admin require users to be approved first. Don't you want the user to recieve multiple mails. One when he registered, telling him that he is awaiting approval/.
Then one when you approved his membership giving him the details on how to log on to the site ? (Or a another one telling him he wasn't approved)
Or am I looking in the wrong places for this feature ?
I see the mail form that will send out a mail that the user iss awaiting approval. But I can't find a template that is being sent upon approval. Neither can I see a mail departing from my system.
I find it a bit weird to send out userinformation to a user that doesn't end up to be a user afterall.
#1 jpesen : nope, can't do that
No, there's no way to do that with a clean Drupal 5. You'll need the user status module (http://drupal.org/project/user_status).
User status is added to D6 core so this irritating problem will soon be no more...
#2 Dries : This is fixed in Drupal 6,
This is fixed in Drupal 6, but Drupal 6 has yet to be released. In Drupal 5, there is a contributed module that you can use to fix this behavior. The name of that module escapes me. Hope that helps.
#3 deekayen : user_status
I believe the words you are looking for are http://drupal.org/project/user_status.
As far as the D6 fix, I made a screenshot for this tread: