MySQL 5.1 on Fedora 10

So I wanted a fresh MySQL 5.1 release on my Fedora 10 box.
Fedora comes with a mysql 5.0 package and the MySQL community packages for 5.1 conflict with that in different ways. (to start with MySQL vs mysql)

For some weird reason libmysqlclient (in mysql-libs) is required by redland, which is required by I probaly never need the RDF funtionalities that redland provides me but I`m stuck with them anyhow.

So Fred pointed me to

Remi repo for mysql 5.1

  1. yum --enablerepo remi install mysql-server

Now gives me a very nice MySQL 5.1 to play around with.


Remi's picture

#1 Remi : compat libs

The remi repo provides the compat lib in the "mysqlclient15" RPM which follow the RHEL standard (mysqlclient10, mysqlclient14, etc...).


Remi's picture

#2 Remi : compat libs

The remi repo provides the compat lib in the "mysqlclient15" RPM which follow the RHEL standard (mysqlclient10, mysqlclient14, etc...).


Matthew Montgomery's picture

#3 Matthew Montgomery : The 5.0 libmysqlclient is

The 5.0 libmysqlclient is provided by Shared compatibility libraries (4.x, 5.x libs in same package) package.


That package should replace mysql-libs package just fine.