F12 Dependency failure

Fresh laptop arrived, obviously the first thing to do is to install the latest fedora. then do a full yum update.

However that failed with the following failed dependency

  1. mesa-libGL-7.7-2.fc12.i686 from updates has depsolving problems
  2. --> Missing Dependency: libdrm >= 2.4.17-1 is needed by package mesa-libGL-7.7-2.fc12.i686 (updates)
  3. Error: Missing Dependency: libdrm >= 2.4.17-1 is needed by package mesa-libGL-7.7-2.fc12.i686 (updates)
  4. You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
  5. You could try running: package-cleanup --problems
  6. package-cleanup --dupes
  7. rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

Now I don't really use all the fancy compiz stuff so for now I can just solve it by running

  1. [root@stillmine ~]# yum remove mesa-libGL


pvandewyngaerde's picture

#1 pvandewyngaerde : F12 key

oh, you are not talking about the last numbered key on top of the keyboard.

damn ICT, full of abbrev.

vincent van der kussen's picture

#2 vincent van der kussen : this is fixed today, but you

this is fixed today, but you might already noticed that :)

Kris Buytaert's picture

#3 Kris Buytaert : haven't noticed ... compiz

haven't noticed ... compiz isn't installed anymore .. so I aint got no blocking dependencies :)