After not being able to give my planned Ignite at #devopsdays Amsterdam because I was down with the flu here's some fresh opportunities to listen to my rants :)
In September I`ll be talking at PuppetConf 2014, San Francisco , USA about some of the horror stories we went trough over the past couple of years when deploying infrastructure the automated fasion.
Just one week later I`ll be opening the #devops track at DrupalCon Amsterdam together with @cyberswat (Kevin Bridges) where we'll talk about the current state of #drupal and #devops , We'll be reopening the #drupal and #devops survey shortly, more info about that later here..
Just a couple of weeks later I will be ranting about Packaging software on Linux at LinuxConf Europe in Dusseldorf, Germany
And in November , I`m headed to Nuremberg, Germany where I will be opening the Open Source Monitoring Conference tinkering about the current state of Open Source Monitoring, do we love it .. or does it still suck :)
That's all ..
for now ..