Everything is a Freaking DNS problem - recruitment en Dear Computer Futures <p>Dear Computer Futures,</p> <p>Please stop calling me, I already told you folks ages ago I won't work with you. Back in 1999 you sent my resume to companies I specifically forbid you not to send it to. You called me to arrange interviews with one of your customers while I was already waiting in the lobby of that exact same customer your coworker sent me to, Twice.</p> <p>There was no need in calling me again last week trying to convince me of working with you. I know you compete with the guy sitting in the cubicle next to you and you have absolutely no idea what I`m doing or what I`m interested in , as you don't even bother to search the web. </p> <p>But most importantly do not try to call my customers switchboard to get in touch with me. </p> <p>I assume that have read and clearly understood my message and will comply,<br /> If you still really really feel the need to call me I will gladly accept your calls and invoice you at an appropriate rate for the time I waste.</p> cf computer futures cubicle idiots morons recruitment unethical behaviour Wed, 16 Apr 2008 23:08:23 +0000 Kris Buytaert 640 at