Everything is a Freaking DNS problem - package centri en Package Centric Deployment, or how to package packages <p>This one has been in my queue for ages .. well.. 3+ months or so .. but still..</p> <p>Over at <a href="http://dev2ops.blogspot.com/2007/10/package-centric-application-release.html" rel="nofollow">dev2ops</a> an article was posted with as title Pacakge Centric Application Release Methodology.</p> <p>And it's that <cite>Application Release</cite> part which is actually the focus point.<br /> The Application being split up in different parts where different teams have responsibility over those parts and having isolated packages for these parts is a good thing.</p> <p>But you can easily confuse that naming of a package with the way a systems person looks at a pacakge, a deb , or an rpm. And then the story changes a lot.</p> <p>They list the contents as a packge as follows :</p> <p><cite><br /> What belongs in a package?<br /> * Code: Application files executed by the runtime system. This could be compiled objects or interpreted script.<br /> * Platform: Files that comprise the runtime layer. This is generally server software like Apache, JBoss, Oracle, etc.<br /> * Content: Non-executed files containing information. These could be media files or static text.<br /> * Configuration: Files defining the structure and settings of an online service. These could be files for configuring the runtime system or the application.<br /> * Data: Files containing data or procedures for defining data. These could be database schema dumps, SQL scripts, .csv files, etc.<br /> * Control: Configuration and procedures consumed by management frameworks<br /> </cite><br /> Now I`m convinced that not all of this content belongs in an RPM or Deb.<br /> Config , Content and Data don't belong there at all.<br /> Yet they have to be delivered as a package by the development team, we need to know what the deliverables are they have to provide us with. But on a system, if you autorize change to content or config you don't want our package management system to keep telling you it's checksums have changed.</p> <p><cite> Within the package-centric paradigm, each type of change noted above is bundled, distributed and executed via a package.</cite><br /> Executed ? You don't want your package management system to do this .. that's exactly what your <a href="http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet" rel="nofollow">configuration management platform </a> isi supposed to do isn't it ?<br /> On a systems level you really want to separate code, data and config.</p> <p>So dev2ops is talking about a package from a developer point of view, which is a totally different view as the one from a sysadmin ...</p> dev2ops package centri Tue, 22 Jan 2008 10:36:00 +0000 Kris Buytaert 563 at