Everything is a Freaking DNS problem - agile en Done Ignite <p>Last month I gave an 5 minute Ignite talk at #devopsdays Amsterdam.</p> <p>To summarize .. it was a rant against people that think that the end of a sprint their work is done, an idea they might have gotten from a broken definition of done.</p> <p>Both the video recording and the slides are embedded below.</p> <p><iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/io8FCbKvZuU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></p> <p><iframe src="http://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/23035308" width="427" height="356" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" style="border:1px solid #CCC;border-width:1px 1px 0;margin-bottom:5px" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen> </iframe><br /> <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a href="http://www.slideshare.net/KrisBuytaert/do-disnot-done" title="Dod is not done" target="_blank">Dod is not done</a> </strong> from <strong><a href="http://www.slideshare.net/KrisBuytaert" target="_blank">Kris Buytaert</a></strong> </div> </p> agile amsterdam definition of done devops devopsdays done Tue, 02 Jul 2013 22:05:49 +0000 Kris Buytaert 1082 at #devops Conference Season heating up... <p>My last post has been a while ... in that I announced that there would be another event right before FOSDEM ... I totally forgot to announce it here but I`m sure that most of you already know. Yes. PuppetCamp Europe is coming back to it's roots... it's coming back to the city where we hosted it for the first time on this side of the ocean.. Gent. (that's 31/1 and 1/2 ) </p> <p>There is still time to register for the event <a href="http://puppetcampghent2013.eventbrite.com/" rel="nofollow">http://puppetcampghent2013.eventbrite.com/</a> The schedule for the event will be published soonish (given that the selection was done on Friday evening and the speakers already received their feedback)</p> <p>Co-located with PuppetCamp there will another Build and Open Source cloud day<br /> <a href="http://buildacloud.org/about-cloudstack/cloudstack-events/viewevent/140-build-a-cloud-day-ghent-2013.html" rel="nofollow">Build a Cloud day</a> with interesting topics such as Cloudstack, Ceph, devops and a really interesting talk on how the Spotify crowd is using Cloudstack.</p> <p>So after those 2 days in Ghent, a lot of people will be warmed up for the open source event of the year FOSDEM.</p> <p>And right after FOSDEM a bunch of people will gather at the Inuits office for 2 days of discussing, hacking and evangelizing around #monitoringlove (see previous post)</p> <p>I almost forgot but even before the FOSDEM week-long there is the <a href="http://conference.phpbenelux.eu/2013/" rel="nofollow">2013 PHP Benelux Conference</a> where I`ll be running a fresh version of the 7 Tools for your devops stack </p> <p>There is a ****load of #DevopsDays events being planned this year .... the 2012 edition of New York will be taking place next week .<br /> Austin and London have been announced and have opened up their CFP and Registration but different groups are organizing themselves to host events in Berlin, Mountain View, Tokyo, Barcelona, Paris, Amsterdam , Australia , Atlanta and many more .. </p> <p>And there's even more to come .. April 6 and 7 will be the dates for the <a href="http://loadays.org/" rel="nofollow">Linux Open Administration Days</a> (Loadays 2013) in Antwerp again ... a nice small conference where people gather to discuss different interesting Linux topics .... Call For Presentations is still open ..<a href="http://loadays.org/pages/cfp-info.html" rel="nofollow">Submit here</a></p> <p>On the other side of the ocean there's <a href="http://portland2013.drupal.org/" rel="nofollow">DrupalCon Portland</a> which once again is featuring a #devops track , and also the folks over at <a href="http://agile2013.agilealliance.org/" rel="nofollow">Agile 2013</a> (Nashville)<br /> have a #devops track now. Both events are still looking for speakers .. </p> <p>So if by the end of this year you still don't know what devops is all about .. you probably don't care and shouldn't be in the IT industry anyhow.</p> <p>And those are only the events I`m somehow involved in for the next couple of months</p> agile devops devopsdays drupal fosdem monitoringlove phpbenelux puppet puppetcamp puppetzie Sun, 13 Jan 2013 10:21:11 +0000 Kris Buytaert 1075 at