Everything is a Freaking DNS problem - meeting en Devops Meetup @ Fosdem <p>The Devops crowd does not have it's own devroom at Fosdem but will be meeting on Friday evening for food in a location close to the BeerEvent.</p> <p><s>If you want to join us please let us know by voting on your favourite choice of Food. Using <a href="http://www.doodle.com/8p35w92p7cs9gg7i">this</a> doodle.</s></p> <p>There's already about 15 people that are voting for the food selection ....</p> <p>Plan is to meet outside of the <a href="http://www.fosdem.org/2010/beerevent">BeerEvent</a> around 2000 and<br /> then move to a preferred food location.</p> <p>Apparently the crowd wants plain Belgian food, so I've made reservations at <a href="http://www.lefalstaff.be/">Le Falstaff</a> which is walking distance from the BeerEvent.<br /> We should be there around 20:15 </p> <p>Don't hesitate to join us if you like DevOps talk</p> devops fosdem meeting opensource Fri, 15 Jan 2010 20:05:01 +0000 Kris Buytaert 978 at