Everything is a Freaking DNS problem - 2009 en On Conferences <p>Somehow this year my schedule really isn't going to get filled with conferences,unlike my 13 speaking engagements last year this year I decided to go for a lot less :)</p> <p>Froscon together with OpenSQLCamp is convienently scheduled during an already long planned family weekend .. but I really hope to go there nex year</p> <p>I've been wanting to go south for conferences for ages, Spain, France, Portugal, Italy , Greece are all places I'd love to go and see how the different Open Sourcen conferences play out there. This summer there actually were some different conferences tha took place in Spain, Gran Canaria etc . but I coouldn't make it there for the <a href="http://www.babietje.be/" rel="nofollow">obvious reasons..</a></p> <p>The October conference schedule has another but similar problem , apart from <a href="http://www.t-dose.org/" rel="nofollow">T-Dose</a> which I plan on going to again, I`m doomed to miss <a href="http://www.linux-kongress.org/" rel="nofollow">LinuxKongress 2009 </a> and the <a href="http://www.netways.de/en/osmc/y2009/uebersicht/" rel="nofollow">Open Source monitoring</a> conference as they both collide with <a href="http://www.devopsdays.org/" rel="nofollow">DevOpsDays</a></p> <p>LinuxKongress was initially scheduled for late september which meant it was on my planning but as they rescheduled because of a conflict with the Linux Plumbers Conference at the other side of the ocean , it means that for the 2nd year in row I`ll miss LinuxKongress (last year was on purpose as I had already been to OLS) ,</p> <p>So I`m on the lookout for some new and exiting conferences to go to :)</p> <p>There was an OpenSourceWorldConference in Malaga last couple of years , but their site hasn't been updated anymore for 2009 .. anyone knows what's going on there ?</p> 2009 conferences open source t-dose Thu, 20 Aug 2009 19:52:30 +0000 Kris Buytaert 935 at