Everything is a Freaking DNS problem - IBM en Dear IBM <p>When you eventually will buy Sun ..</p> <p>Oh nooos.. I started this post last week and now it al seems in vain :(</p> <p>Steven has some clues on what could have <a href="http://blogs.computerworld.com/good_bye_solaris_the_fate_of_suns_top_5_technologies">happened</a>, I think he is right on the spot on with his Solaris prediction ..</p> <p>He wonders why IBM would spend even another dime on Solaris, actually even today I can't even see why Sun is spending any more money on developing Solaris. But even with no acquisition his prediction of the future of Open Solaris imvho is spot on:</p> <blockquote><p> OpenSolaris will likely live on as a purely community-based operating system. After failing to gain any real traction against Linux, I expect it to become like the BSD operating systems: useful in niches and with a strong, core group of developers, but never to become a major operating system power. </p></blockquote> <p>As for Sparc, well I told it before.. and given the Siemens- Fujitsu split, given that Fujitsu has the money (which is where I have no clue) and given 2 Sparc companies with completing markets , both geographically as on hardware and software level.. merging Fujitsu and Sun would make sense ...</p> <p>Looking around me .. I think Netbeans has already been Eclipsed ages ago .. I once used to work with NetBeans, but today I don't know a lot of people who still use it.</p> <p>As for MySQL, <a href="http://jeremy.zawodny.com/blog/archives/011046.html">Jeremey</a> has some good insights.. the fact that different prominent MySQL folks have left Sun will only push the MySQL development model towards more openness.<br /> And towards an even more Redder RedHat alike model, we already have the first CentOS alike rebuilds of MySQL , so a distribution model based on the same kernel with different feature sets or focus indeed might be the future.</p> <p><a href="http://blogs.computerworld.com/if_ibm_sun_breaks_down_what_happens_to_sun">Steven</a> has a nice follow up on what can happen with Sun now. But the obvious problem would have been be the culture clash , at least for the MySQL folks.. , I can hardly imagine <a href="http://blogs.sun.com/gameguy/entry/sex_at_ibm_and_sun">al that nice code being written with no Liquor </a> :)</p> IBM mysql open source opensource sun Mon, 06 Apr 2009 19:48:43 +0000 Kris Buytaert 897 at