Everything is a Freaking DNS problem - zenos en Monitoring MySQL <p><a href="http://ronaldbradford.com/blog/what-alert-monitoring-do-you-use-2009-10-07/" rel="nofollow">Ronald Bradford</a> wants to know what kind of Monitoring you use..<br /> He specifically wants to know about Alerting tools</p> <p>There's different cases , looking at it from a full infrastructure point my current favourite is Zabbix or good old Nagios,</p> <p>But when looking at it from a debugging perspective you have MySQLAR or Hyperic, but those aren't in the alerting list.</p> <p>However, when you are building HA clusters, you have custom scripts running either from mon or from pacemaker ..</p> <p>Still .. Ronald probably wants more input :)</p> ha monitoring msql zabbix zenos Sun, 11 Oct 2009 18:18:04 +0000 Kris Buytaert 945 at MonitoringForge <p>I found the initial announcement in my Spambox, thats where I send all the mails from GroundWork as unsubscribing from their marketing lists doesn't seem to work ..</p> <p><a href="http://www.adventuresinoss.com/?p=1117" rel="nofollow">Tarus</a> pointed it out.. he already mentionned Marketing, low community imput etc..</p> <p>Nevertheles I had a look, and my first and last impression was, NagiosForge, no active community, and empty pages on other imvho more relevant Monitoring Projects created by GroundWork employees.</p> <p><a href="http://www.johnmwillis.com/" rel="nofollow">Big John </a> coined the "to pull a GroundWork" phrase aiming at their early products, err logo placements. When <a href="http://www.inuits.be">we</a> were evaluating differen Open Source monitoring tools for our OLS paper about 18 months ago we looked at the tool and it didn't make the cut .. it failed in all areas where it claimed to be strong, ease of installation , lack of errorhandling during the installation, etc ... some while later another collegue tried again and we ran into similar problems</p> <p>Yet some people claim it to be a great product.. I'm not a fan yet ...maybe one day they they'll know to convince me .. but for now<br /> When I need Nagios .. I`ll be looking at <a href="http://djagios.org/" rel="nofollow">Djagios</a> , <a href="http://opsview.org/" rel="nofollow">Opsview</a> , <a href="http://www.icinga.org/" rel="nofollow">Icinga</a> or the real thing.</p> <p>However, ther's still Hyperic, Zenoss and Zabbix :)</p> hyperic icinga look no link monitoring nagios zabbix zenos Wed, 23 Sep 2009 19:20:57 +0000 Kris Buytaert 939 at Monitoring MySQL <p>The slides for my Monitoring MySQL talk , which I gave earlier today in an overcrowded MySQl Developersroom at Fosdem are now online, both at <a href="http://www.krisbuytaert.be/presentations/MySQLMonitoringShootOut.odp">my site</a> and at <a href="http://www.slideshare.net/KrisBuytaert/my-sql-monitoring-shoot-out">Slideshare</a></p> <p>As of now I actually expect people to use those slides for schoolwork or next year in a main Fosdem track :)<br /> As afterall that is the goal of Open Source and spreading the word .. </p> <div style="width:425px;text-align:left" id="__ss_1003527"><a style="font:14px Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;display:block;margin:12px 0 3px 0;text-decoration:underline;" href="http://www.slideshare.net/KrisBuytaert/my-sql-monitoring-shoot-out?type=presentation" title="MySQL Monitoring Shoot Out">MySQL Monitoring Shoot Out</a> <object style="margin:0px" width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://static.slideshare.net/swf/ssplayer2.swf?doc=mysqlmonitoringshootout-1234095909440592-1&stripped_title=my-sql-monitoring-shoot-out" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed src="http://static.slideshare.net/swf/ssplayer2.swf?doc=mysqlmonitoringshootout-1234095909440592-1&stripped_title=my-sql-monitoring-shoot-out" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="355"></embed></object><div style="font-size:11px;font-family:tahoma,arial;height:26px;padding-top:2px;">View more <a style="text-decoration:underline;" href="http://www.slideshare.net/">presentations</a> from <a style="text-decoration:underline;" href="http://www.slideshare.net/KrisBuytaert">Kris Buytaert</a>. (tags: <a style="text-decoration:underline;" href="http://slideshare.net/tag/mysql">mysql</a> <a style="text-decoration:underline;" href="http://slideshare.net/tag/monitor">monitor</a>)</div> </div> conferences fosdem fosdem2009 hyperic mysql mysql monitoring nagios open source presentations talks zabbix zenos Sun, 08 Feb 2009 14:16:57 +0000 Kris Buytaert 873 at