Everything is a Freaking DNS problem - bof en What does your BOFH want ? :) <p><a href="http://www.garfieldtech.com/blog/drupal-system-tools" rel="nofollow">Larry</a>, I`m glad you asked ..</p> <p>With the risk of receiving a flood of comments pointing me to already existing tools here's my go at what I as a sysadmin of often large deployments am looking for in Drupalland .</p> <p>You suggest LDAP and syslog integration .. guess we already have that don't we ? </p> <p>But what I haven't found yet ..<br /> An rpm/deb repository of Drupal modules So we can do an apt-get install drupal-package , yes I know about Drush, but I want the files on my system to be in a package and clearly identified, it helps me keeping my system uncluttered.</p> <p>apt-get update drupal-package , or yum install drupal-package would be a luxury, same for themes btw.</p> <p>It would be lovely if the postinstalls of those package also trigger a database upgrade if needed.</p> <p>Which brings me to the next issue. If I have a multisite setup and I update a module in sites/all/modules, I usually have to go trough each and every site hosted there to update the databases. No really something I like to do for 10+ euh 3+ sites.</p> <p>Also think big, don't waste your time on desktop apps or guis .since as long as you only have 1 site to manage point an click is fine, for you , Think in terms of what if you have 10 sites, 100 sites, or more .. do you really want to do that kind of administration via a browser or gui ? Some wise man once said <cite>If your computer can't install it the installer is broken</cite>. A script should or automation tool should be able to interact with the sites, not a human operating a mouse ;) It's not just the RSI , but also the fact that to err is human, and if the computer fails a script you can patch it :)</p> automation bof devministration drupal lisa open source opensource system administration Wed, 28 Jan 2009 22:29:29 +0000 Kris Buytaert 866 at