Everything is a Freaking DNS problem - config mgmt en Is anybody else confused about Chef ? <p><a href="http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Home" rel="nofollow">Chef</a> absolutely confuses me..</p> <p><a href="http://madstop.com/2009/01/16/opscode-announces-chef-a-puppet-competitor/" rel="nofollow">Luke</a> is confused too ..<br /> <cite><br /> I’m clearly disappointed that someone who has been a high-profile user of Puppet but has never contributed much in the way of code (Ohloh claims 2 commits) would decide to start a whole new project rather than attempt to contribute to Puppet</cite></p> <p>Now , if you know me a bit you know that reinventing the wheel, or creating identical projects with no clear reasons is something I dislike .</p> <p>When looking at Chef's FAQ there isn't really a clear reason listed why they wanted to create a new project.</p> <p>I could understand if Chef were written in a total different language .. but hmm.. it's written in Ruby again .. I can only think of one other area where there are 2 major competing tools written in the same language and that is OTRS and RT, still wondering how that can happen.</p> <p>One of the core values of an Open Source project is that you can contribute, adapt , and even fork.. why would you want to start over from scratch ?<br /> So launching a competing open source project in that way therefore doesn't really seem like a smart thing to do,</p> <p>Maybe one way to explain it is the <a href="http://lmaugustin.typepad.com/lma/2008/09/commercial-open-source-in-europe-verses-the-us.html" rel="nofollow">European vs American</a> style of Open Source Adoption ... , Luke has the more European approach (consultancy, build new features, support, train, evangelize, earn a good living) , where as OpsCode with Jesse Robins in charge might head for a more American style (Productize, Dual License , CashOut ).</p> <p>So can the <a href="http://blog.opscode.com/" rel="nofollow">Chefs</a> please explain why they didn't contribute to Puppet, or as their FAQ , well it doesn't really Answer any of the Questions</p> automating chef config mgmt deployment devministration open source puppet Sun, 18 Jan 2009 13:08:22 +0000 Kris Buytaert 861 at