Everything is a Freaking DNS problem - mysql proxy en New interesting open Source releases <p>In case you haven't noticed them yet ..<br /> <a href="http://jan.kneschke.de/2009/1/13/mysql-proxy-public-repo-moved-to-launchpad" rel="nofollow">MySQL Proxy</a> has a new release and moved it's public repo to Launchpad.</p> <p>(Still Launchpad isn't open source yet .. a matter of time .. but in the meanwhile Jira and Confluence are sadly gaining adoption in the market)</p> <p>In the devministration area there is a new Puppet module that automagically populates puppet managed machines in <a href="http://blog.zenoss.com/2009/01/13/new-zenoss-module-for-puppet/" rel="nofollow">Zenoss</a> , I've seen different people using Puppet to populate their Nagios configs, but adding Zenoss to the list is new.. so when will we see the Zabbix and Hyperic plugins ?</p> <p>Oh yes.. and then there is <a href="http://www.krisbuytaert.be/blog/anybody-else-confused-about-chef">Chef</a></p> chef launchpad mysql proxy open source opensoure proprietary crap puppet zenoss Sun, 18 Jan 2009 13:08:16 +0000 Kris Buytaert 860 at