Everything is a Freaking DNS problem - monitoring tools en Contributing Back <p>A while ago <a href="http://buytaert.net/contributing-back-to-drupal" rel="nofollow">Dries</a> wondered about Contributing back to Drupal .</p> <p>Now <a href="http://www.inuits.be/">Inuits</a> is not a Webshop, we are an Open Source shop, so you won't see a zillion Drupal modules being contributed by us in the near future (albeit there are a couple) , we are company assisting other organisations in their adoption of Open Source, and Drupal is amongst the projects we care for. You'll notice code from us in the different other Open Source projects, including the Linux Kernel and other core infrastructure. And not all of it was code, there is a lot of published documentation, methodologies, bughunting and also spreading the words, or talking about our experiences around different topics such as MySQL Cluster and Drupal, or different alternatives to Monitor , or to Monitor MySQL etc .. </p> <p>But we've been contributing in different other ways to open source and we have always been benefiting from that. And we try to convince our customers to do so too.<br /> So Dries is right in all his reasons why one should contribute back to open source, specially as an organisation that uses OpenSource for it's customers you just have to.</p> <p>The lack of contributions however might have different reasons<br /> I can imagine however that the moment a commercial Open Source company starts backing or distributing people start looking at that project in a different way.</p> <p>The amount of contributions to a pure open source project has been traditionally lower than the amount of code contributed to an open core project.</p> <p>And I`m pretty sure that most of the braindead box moving RedHat and other so called Value Added Resellers aren't contributing a single line of code and my fear is that with the current growth of open source adoption that more of those traditional IT shops will just resell support subscriptions as if it were just another software product.</p> <p>Now the Drupal community is one with a lot of developers so things might be different there compared to a group of system integrators that are installing operating systems and don't know the difference between python and php.</p> <p>I think we'll see more and more open source users that aren't planning to contribute back, (although it is easy ) , But do we honestly think te group of developers is infinite ? However the more Open Source users the more chance we have these users turn into developers, I just don't think the current percentages will stay the same.</p> <p>Anyway .. we'll continue to contribute.. and we hope you do the same ...</p> drupal monitoring tools mysql open source opensource Wed, 14 Jan 2009 19:02:27 +0000 Kris Buytaert 852 at