Everything is a Freaking DNS problem - friendlist en Buddylist, Buddlist2, Friendlist <p>Dear LazyWeb</p> <p>Buddylist is aimed at Drupal 5, so when porting to a site to Drupal 6, you need Buddylist2. However the BuddyList page mentions one should look at FriendList as that project is supposed finished ..</p> <p>At first sight it seems like FriendList indeed most advanced in its efforts<br /> As I was also using Invite, which also is still under development for 6,<br /> I was assuming that upon installing it the dependencies would tell me which one to use.. however it seems none of them already hooks into Invite</p> <p>Am I overlooking a module that solves my needs . ?</p> buddylist drupal friendlist hoosgot lazyweb Tue, 06 Jan 2009 18:45:41 +0000 Kris Buytaert 849 at