Everything is a Freaking DNS problem - unconference en This was not a Cloudcamp ! :) <p><a href="http://cloudcamp-brussels-08.eventbrite.com/" rel="nofollow">This</a> was not a CloudCamp ! </p> <p>Don't get me wrong, it was a great event and I met lots of interesting people , but it was not a *camp.<br /> The idea was there to have an unconference after the formal sessions, but the formal sessions ran out and there was no time because of food and bar duties. </p> <p>The event was a mixture of <a href="http://lvb.net/" rel="nofollow">regular</a> <a href="http://bbbart.internationalgeneration.be/" rel="nofollow">Belgian</a> <a href="http://blog.elisehuard.be/" rel="nofollow">Campers</a>, <a href="http://www.virtualization.com/" rel="nofollow">Virtualization</a><a href="http://tarrysingh.blogspot.com/" rel="nofollow"> geeks</a>, <a href="http://mattinaction.blogspot.com/" rel="nofollow">Open Source folks</a> , obviously there were a couple of "lost" <a href="http://www.johnmwillis.com/" rel="nofollow">americans</a> , and the crowd from up <a href="http://www.gravityzoo.com/" rel="nofollow">North</a> :)</p> <p>The location was <a href="http://www.biouel.be/intro.php" rel="nofollow">weird</a> to say the least, what if the boat hat floated off on the river :) </p> <p>It's obvious the world doesn't have a fixed definition for "Cloud Computing" yet , Tarry really made a safe bet by cut and pasting the definition from WikiPedia but the thing that really worried me was that when <a href="http://blog.raphinou.com/" rel="nofollow">Raph</a> asked if the audience could define Open Source they couldn't either.</p> <p>Given the audience it's really hard to understand why they couldn't explain what Open Source is .. they should be able to. As the biggest chunk of Cloud Infrastructure is based on Open Source , the audience of a CloudCamp should be able to define Open Source, but then again there was quite a number of suits around that weren't expected to understand what it is all about :) </p> <p>The fact is that a the cloud today still is a bit of undefined, different marketeers are grabbing the opportunity to rebrand their longtime existing product as fresh and hot cloud. </p> <p>The interesting part of the Cloud to me is the mix of Virtualization, Scalability, Automation , Large Scale Deployment , playing the puppetmaster, and High Availability .. </p> <p>It's stuff I have been doing for ages , it's the stuff this blog has been covering since the beginning ... but I don't plan on renaming my blog .. as afterall the whole cloud issue is just a <a href="http://code.google.com/p/dnsbalancer/" rel="nofollow">Freaking DNS Problem</a></p> <p>Pictures of the event are <a href="http://pics.inuits.be/v/techevents/cloudcamp_bxl/" rel="nofollow">here </a></p> barcamp cloud cloudcamp cloudcamp_bxl open source puppet unconference virtualization Fri, 31 Oct 2008 21:15:53 +0000 Kris Buytaert 759 at