An quickie and oldie, but Matt just asked me again :

Q: When running the openQRM server in a Xen environment
My nodes won't reboot or boot when I tell them ,
A: Check your log files and notice an issue like

  1. Jun 6 09:53:44 QRM-TESTNODE logger: qrmexecd started for resource 1
  2. Jun 6 09:53:44 QRM-TESTNODE logger: ERROR: Command from in-valid peer-address received

OpenQRM tries to send from a different ip address then configured as eth0:QRM on the openQRM server. A nat rule fixes this.

  1. iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 1687 -j SNAT --to-source
  2. <code>
  4. Where is your openQRM server, expand rule to match all destinatino hosts.
  5. (I ran into this problem on my Xen boxen, Matt thinks it is purely related to the Xen briding. I think it is related to the way an alias is put on an interface :))