Quechup Sucks and violates privacy !

So I got an invite to join Quechup, (probably not even intentional) and as I register to most of these sites just to make sure no one else can create a fake account for me

Most social networking sites indeed ask you to import an addressbook, then ask you which contacts in that addressbook you want to invite for that network. So part of signing up to such a service is importing a small addressbook then NOT sending out any other invites apart from the people you really want to invite for that service.

I tried to connect to An who sent me the invite but that didn't even work.

After a while I saw replies from people and Out Of office bounces , wondering to which mail they were replying.. And indeed Quechup had send out mails to my whole GMail addressbook.

So to everybody who received that mail.. I`m very sorry I never meant to send that mail and unlike what Qeuchup claims
"You received this because Kris Buytaert knows and agreed to invite you"

I never agreed to invite someone, (Quechup will probably claim that somewhere hidden in their bad layouted site they mentionned they would do so ... )

If you also feel these kind of practices aren't ethically correct.. please spread the news and BOYCOTT Quechup !

Anyway .. my account there is already deleted.. I hope they fall of the net fast.