T-Dose 2006 is over ..
9 years after X'97 I ended up at TUE again this time for T-Dose.org
A whole different sight, last time there were a couple of hundreds geeks sitting around writing demos, compsing music etc this time almost 10 years later we just abused the auditoria and were sitting there quietly listening to people giving talks, one thing was sure.. this time I booked a hotel, no need to sleep under a table or try to sleep in my car on the parking lot :)
Altough I had no other plans this weekend I still was late for the keynote and most of the morning talks. The first talk I ran into was by "Martin WebHuis", he was talking about migrating away from Exchange to openXchange, somehow I didn't expect this kind of talk at this event, but then again I didn't expect a using Samba talk at last year's LinuxKongress in Hamburg. He mentionned openITIL which I should take a closer look at .. some day ..
What strikes me is that we in Belgium have the idea that the Netherlands has much more Linux and OpenSource deployments than we do , whereas they think they are adopting slower than we are. We have multiple similar migrations on our track already , some indeed dating from over 5 years ago.
Martin mentionned that during most migrations the only problems he had with applications not wanting to work on Linux are Virusses, so true and so good :)
I went to Geert's talk on MySQL Cluster, I learned that when you have 1 main application using Cluster you can actualy eliminate the MySQLD spof and use the Cluster API. Ofcourse that isn't valid if you are still running multiple engines and multiple types of client applications that can't all be rewritten using the Cluster API. But for isolated and standardised platforms it should work better.
I showed HypericHQ to Geert, I think he was impressed by the interresting data you can get from MySQL and other processes from Hyperic. As Roland was also present I discussed my ideas about (MySQL) Certification with Roland, it think the new exams and certainly the Cluster exams are heading the right direction.
After Frank Weyns talk on Virtualisation we headed for the first pub that had decent beer with Geert , Matt and Roland. The speakers dinner was held at the Greek place where we actually started planning the conference months ago. After dinner we ended up back at the Irish Pub where we started the evening,
Day 2
So after a really comfortable sleep compared to the last time I slept hmm tried sleeping in Eindhoven, breakfast and a 10 minute walk to the TUE , I ended up at the Keynote about Peer2Peer usage in Broadcast by Robert Scheperd, really interresting talk, only it was really difficult to concentrate as Robert had no Slides ,I hope he puts his article online so I can read it again.
Skipped most of the morning talks the interesting stuff is in the afternoon .. Figured ou that the TUE still has nice bandwith., at least compared to home.
I went to the atop talk, which actually made me realise that I`m really not satisfied with the features top restricts me with. I'll be looking at atop real soon :) http://www.atcomputing.nl/Tools/atop
The last talk of the weekend somehow didn't happen, seems like David Sugar didn't show up so we didn't have a GNu Telephony talk
too bad.
With Fosdem being overcrowded already and lots of speakers wanting a slot at Fosdem and lots of projects fighting for an already sold out developers room I think next year T-Dose will attract some projects that can't get a room at Fosdem anymore
T-Dose was Small but fine.., well not that small.. bigger than LinuxDays.lu but still :)