Report of the UKUUG Spring Conference Day 2
To start with the Postgresql talk , I ran in just too late as the slides about slony were just finished :(
Skipped out on Nigel's Talk, after not having time to play with the OpenPower at the office I`m assuming that Macbar knows enough about it already ,
Then the awkard break before your own talk it's the waiting and the people dropping in one by one , It's much easier to start directly after someone else :) Ray introduced my talk as "The talk you have all been waiting for" , hmm.. he shouldn't have done that. It made me fall back into my old bad habit of speeding trough my slides in just about 35 minutes rather than the scheduled 45 I had.
I'm starting to hear myselve thinking during a talk that I gave before "Hmm.. I've already said this" then realising 2 slides later that I actually didn't say that yet during that talk but during a previous one. That really might have confused people. I really have to work on my presentation skills.
But then again it's the content that counts and discussing other ideas with people afterwards, actually much of the discussion already happened before :)
Back up the hill, to Collingwood College, for lunch then back down the hill for the Kerberos talk. Lunch was good at this conference, the only donwside being that you had 1 hour time and you also needed about a 5-10 minutes up the hill and back down which didn't really give you the opportunity to eat and rest.
I sneeked out during the break to get a drink, and the machine ate my money :((
Alex has been quite active on de MySQL Cluster list so I`m kind of interested to see what he has to say about it. Hmmm. what's a NetApp Filter ? :)
He is giving a general introductory talk on LAMP HA, nothing really new there for me .. turns out he is about to get his book on MySQL Cluster published really soon now.
I spoke to him afterwards on what to expect from the book, mainly regarding MySQL 5.1 etc..
The Register's talk on their Apache infrastructure is matchining really with his paper, good talk, but as he concludes they are extremely lucky that their site is mostly static, this ain't working with fully personalised an dynamic sites.
Pieter also just posted his report .. which is quite normal as my laptop is bridging his internet access ;)