2.6.15-om migrates processes
It took a while but the annoying crash on migration has vanihsed .. , we can now migrate processes
root@cnode2 ~# ./asm1 root@cnode2 12747# cd om/ root@cnode2 om# ls debug stay where root@cnode2 om# echo "" > where
And on the second node :
root@cnode1 tmp# ps -ef | grep asm root 10995 286 99 22:47 ? 00:00:08 ./asm1 root 11014 3303 0 22:47 pts/0 00:00:00 grep asm
Now this is a step in the good direction but there still Is a lot of work to be done.
On the other hand I also got a beta userland tool from Carl Radford today which I`ll be looking at later ..
Next to that Matteo and his friends also are really active providing feedback to Tab.
I`ll keep you folks posted on our progress !