And Downgrading again :)
After my upgrade failure of yesterday evening , rawhide kernel crashes on both my wifi and radeon devices. I downgraded back to the most recent CD I could find.. hence FC3 ... The good thing however is that during the short time I had rawhide running I could verify a couple off annoying Evolution issues that actually seem to be fixed in newer version. Anyway.. I`ll be going for a dual boot config soon. Bleeding edge distro for testing and experimenting and a "stable" distro for daily work. I've always been using a stable distro for daily work but sometimes you want to experiment.
Everybody I asked for a recent Fedora CD this morning kept telling me to use Ubuntu, yeah fine I AM already using Ubuntu .. at home on my iMac , and you folks know I want to run both an rpm based and deb based distro next to eachother for testing etc. So my laptop stays Fedora, for now.