Learning Nagios 3.0
Late last year Packt send me yet another book to review
the The Learning Nagios 3 book, a bit more in my field of expertise than the Drupal Multimedia one which I also appreciated,
I already posted I wasn't going to have time to review it before Fosdem but I finally managed.
Having used Nagios on and of for the better part of the decade but not really having touched ground with Nagios 3 yet I had mixed feelings, generally the book gives a good beginner targeted overview of Nagios, with the usual What is, installing and getting started chapters.
Although not having used Nagios 3 yet in production the book didn't really point me out to the different new features which is what I'd expect in a Nagios 3 book.. or I must have overlooked them.
However when you are new to Nagios, I can imagine this is a good read, you'll get a good overview of the different possibilities of Nagios together with hints towards using Passive Checks, using NRPE and even SNMP.
Typo's on the backcover aside I probably would recommend this book to someone who never looked at Nag
ios and wants something in print, but I wouldn't point the experienced Nagios user to it... there are other more in depth works around. But as the title "Learning Nagios" states that wasn't the goal of the book and to get started with Nagios .. it does a good Job !