Everything is a Freaking DNS problem - dns en Linux Troubleshooting 101 , 2016 Edition <p>Back in 2006 I wrote a <a href="http://www.krisbuytaert.be/blog/node/177">blog post</a> about linux troubleshoooting. <a href="https://twitter.com/bertvanvreckem/status/737761421879054336" rel="nofollow">Bert Van Vreckem</a> pointed out that it might be time for an update ..</p> <p>There's not that much that has changed .. however :)</p> <p>Everything is a DNS Problem</p> <p>Everything is a Fscking DNS Problem<br /> No really, Everything is a Fscking DNS Problem<br /> If it's not a fucking DNS Problem ..<br /> It's a Full Filesystem Problem<br /> If your filesystem isn't full<br /> It is a SELinux problem<br /> If you have SELinux disabled<br /> It might be an ntp problem<br /> If it's not an ntp problem<br /> It's an arp problem<br /> If it's not an arp problem...<br /> It is a Java Garbage Collection problem<br /> If you ain't running Java<br /> It's a natting problem<br /> If you are already on IPv6<br /> It's a Spanning Tree problem<br /> If it's not a spanning Tree problem...<br /> It's a USB problem<br /> If it's not a USB Problem<br /> It's a sharing IRQ Problem<br /> If it's not a sharing IRQ Problem<br /> But most often .. its a Freaking Dns Problem !</p> <p>`</p> arp dns iptables ntp selinux Wed, 01 Jun 2016 07:00:55 +0000 Kris Buytaert 1110 at Starting a Collection <p>Apparently I started a collection ..<br /> Of DNS books signed by their author ...</p> <p><img src="http://www.krisbuytaert.be/images/AlternativeDNS.jpg" /></p> <p>As already mentioned on twitter, <a href="http://blog.fupps.com/">Jan-Piet Mens</a> kindly gave me a signed copy of his alternative DNS Servers book, last week at the UKUUG 2010 Spring Conference</p> <p>When I got that book I didn't even know yet that this morning I was going to be at a seminar on DNS sec by <a href=http://www.cricketondns.com/">Cricket Liu</a><br /> and because of having registered so late for the event I certainly wasn't expecting to get one of the books that were going to be handed out to the first 50 people that signed up ... but I was lucky ..</p> <p><img src="http://www.krisbuytaert.be/images/DNSBind.jpg" /></p> <p>So which book should I try to get next ? :)</p> authors books dns dnsproble dnssec eiafdp ukuuug Fri, 02 Apr 2010 17:38:27 +0000 Kris Buytaert 996 at NoSQL vs MySQL <p>No I did NOT post the following <a href="http://www.ruturaj.net/redis-memcached-tokyo-tyrant-mysql-comparison#comment-22565" rel="nofollow">comment</a><br /> <cite><br /> This is ridiculous. You didn't test MySQL, you tested a failing DNS lookup on authentication.</cite></p> <p>resulting in the follow up <a href="http://www.ruturaj.net/myisam-innodb" rel="nofollow">post</a> : </p> <p><cite><br /> My previous post Redis, Memcache, Tokyp Tyrant, MySQL comparison had a flaw as pointed out by this comment. The MySQL was taking a huge time for doing a reverse DNS lookup.<br /> </cite></p> <p>But as always ... Everything is just a Freaking dns problem :)</p> dns dnsproblem mysql nosql Mon, 23 Nov 2009 20:17:52 +0000 Kris Buytaert 962 at What DNS is Not <p><a href="http://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=1647302" rel="nofollow">This article</a> by Paul Vixie is a must read if you want to know what DNS is not about .. and how people abuse it for the sake of extorting money from morons. </p> <p>Ah well.. nothing we didn't already know.. just more proof that<br /> Everything is a Freaking DNS problem.</p> <p>Not sure on which layer the problem is.. must be on a layer even above the religious one.. the "Greed" one.</p> bind dns freaking dns problem isc Mon, 09 Nov 2009 21:40:50 +0000 Kris Buytaert 957 at DNS Tools <p>In my latest DNS Problem related post I mentionned that don't know all the answers, I however know about some good tools to help you setup a clean DNS server.</p> <p>Ages ago via <a href="http://planet.fedoraproject.org/" rel="nofollow">Planet Fedora</a> I ran into an article from <a href="http://www.alphatek.info/2008/11/29/dnsknifecom-meet-the-online-dig/" rel="nofollow">Steven Moix</a> about a tool he and his fellow students build for a summer project.</p> <p>The tool is <a href="http://www.dnsknife.com/" rel="nofollow">DNSKnife</a> and it's really interresting.</p> <p>DNS Knife is a good tool to check if your DNS setup is ok, it checks the parent servers, it checks for if your nameservers are listed on the parent server, checks if all your nameservers are reachable and are authorative .<br /> And so on and so on ...</p> <p>It warns for Open Relays, if you care for that ..in fact an Open DNS relay also means that you can use it from everywhere eg for tcp over dns.</p> <p>It warns for misconfigured SOA , such as too short Expire values etc<br /> You know.. the time a secondary dns server will keep it's copy of the zone valid when It can't contact the primary , not the other misinterpretations you folks usually have .. </p> <p>Off course it isn't always correct. it considers not finding MX records a failur<br /> e , however some domains just don't want a MX record.</p> <p>DNSKnife actually provides you with an automated alternative to manually verify ing RFC 1912 , well at least partly :)</p> dns dnsknife dnsproblem everything Wed, 28 Oct 2009 20:52:08 +0000 Kris Buytaert 953 at Diaper Needs Service Problem <p>Last Saturday late, Sandy gave birth to our 2nd daughter<br /> Amber, pics etc are on <a href="http://www.babietje.be" rel="nofollow">her own site</a></p> <p>So we'll be changing diapers of 2 little Buytaert kids for a while ) </p> <p>PS. Craig from <a href="http://www.oreillygmt.co.uk/" rel="nofollow">O'ReillyGMT</a> gets the credit for inventing the new DNS acronym,</p> amber buytaert dns Mon, 29 Jun 2009 18:53:45 +0000 Kris Buytaert 921 at The Story Repeats <p>I covered this one <a href="http://www.krisbuytaert.be/blog/node/702">before</a> .. but as it struck twiced today .. I think it's worth repeating. Both my <a href="http://poke152.blogspot.com/" rel="nofollow">collegue Karl</a> and <a href="http://blogs.sun.com/trentlloyd/entry/this_week_s_tip_the" rel="nofollow">Trent</a> ran into the same problem , within hours hours of eachother, a missing or failing reverse dns mapping that caused performance issues .. and a lot of log entries..</p> <p>Karl denies having a second life in Perth but I`m not really sure about that ...</p> <p>But I guess they both have to agree... Everything is a fscking DNS problem.<br /> (I noticed other people using that spelling this weekend, on stage in the Janson)</p> dns dns problem fosdem mysql reverse dns skip_name_resolve Tue, 10 Feb 2009 21:55:21 +0000 Kris Buytaert 875 at This week in DNS problems <p><a href="http://isc.sans.org/diary.html?storyid=5713">SANS</a> notes a weird DOS atack on different namesevers. People quering for "." a lot.</p> <p><a href="http://ward.vandewege.net/blog/2009/01/whats-going-on-with-the-org-nameservers/">Ward</a> wondering what's going on with the .org nameservers</p> <p>And <a href="http://buytaert.net/">Dries</a> migrating his site.<br /> <center><br /> <img src="http://www.krisbuytaert.be/images/buytaert.net.dns.png" /><br /> </center></p> dns dns annoyancy dns problem Wed, 21 Jan 2009 18:29:31 +0000 Kris Buytaert 862 at Crazy stuff over DNS <p><a href="http://pascal.vanhecke.info/" rel="nofollow">Pascal</a> tweeted me te following <a href="https://dgl.cx/wikipedia-dns" rel="nofollow">link</a>.</p> <p>From the site :</p> <p><cite>I had written some code to take wikipedia articles and summarise them. I wanted to offer this for use in various places, now the obvious way to offer it is just a web service (via REST, SOAP, etc), but that's boring and I had a cunning plan. Why not offer it over DNS - it is basically a huge associative array and DNS is designed for this stuff.<br /> </cite></p> <p>Some people send way to much stuff over a TXT record .. and then one wonders why DNS is a problem.. it's being abused for all the things wasn't designed in the first place. And people also trust it too much while it never was desgined for that either.</p> <p>Oh well.. at least <a href="http://thomer.com/howtos/nstx.html" rel="nofollow">IP over DNS</a> is usefull :)</p> dns dnsproblem ip wikipedia Wed, 07 Jan 2009 16:44:58 +0000 Kris Buytaert 850 at Phrase from nearest book meme <p>Meme from <a href="http://www.outflux.net/blog/" rel="nofollow">codeblog</a></p> <p> * Grab the nearest book.<br /> * Open it to page 56.<br /> * Find the fifth sentence.<br /> * Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.<br /> * Don’t dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST.</p> <p>My result:</p> <p>"We'll cover more on where to place your name servers in Chapter 8, Growing Your Domains." - DNS and BIND , 2nd Edition , Paul Albitz &amp; Cricket Liu</p> <p>No really it really was the closest one .. someone just brought it back to my desk</p> book dns meme Wed, 12 Nov 2008 19:53:45 +0000 Kris Buytaert 764 at